Cacao Butter Benefits: A Healthy Fat for Keto and Beyond ...

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25 Best Survival Foods To Stockpile

Getting Started with Food Stockpiling

Start Small

I have never met one person who bought ten- or twenty-years’ worth of food in one purchase. Every one of them accumulated their emergency supplies through years of hard work, budgeting, and discipline. Start small by purchasing one or two extra items every time you go to the store and set it aside for your emergency supplies.

Start Now

Because putting away emergency food can be a daunting task it is also a one that is easy to put on the back burner. Take the above advice and start small and start now. Think of it like this. If you start today, you are that much better off in two weeks.

Don’t Forget

Here are a couple other important factors you need to remember when it comes to long term food items.
  1. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. I once knew a person who put most of their food stores in several chest freezers. Hopefully, you can see the problem with that because after three days of no power, all that food is no good. Remember to diversify.
  2. Do not forget cookbooks or recipes that are written down. Nowadays most of use the internet for cooking recipes. But what if the power was out or the internet was not available?
  3. Do not forget the cookware and heating source. Do you have alternative ways of cooking if normal methods are not available? It would be helpful if you included backup cookware and a means to heat the food, such as a BBQ grill or cooking over a firepit.

Survival Food Storage

For maximizing shelf life, most of the items on the list should be kept in
  1. Mylar bags with or without oxygen absorbers, or
  2. Vacuumed sealed bags, and
  3. Stored in areas that are dry, cool, and dark.

What NOT to Stockpile – and Why

Not all foods make good stockpiling staples. Some of these foods might even be dangerous to keep in storage.
Also remember that the worst enemies of stockpiled and stored foods are light, temperature changes, oxygen and moisture. These factors are all potential triggers for bacteria, decay, degradation or the growth of mold. Keep foods away from these factors and they should last for longer: This is reason most stored products advise storage in a cool and dry area.

What Happens to Food Past the Expiry Date?

There are some foods that can be fine for years past the expiry or best-before date, but this is not true for all types of food. Different things can happen to different types of food when going past their prime – and some types of food has the potential to be dangerous (such as canned meats) while others will only lose their potency or effect (such as dried yeast or tea)
This list will tell you which foods are safe to stockpile, approximately how long they are safe to keep for past their stamped best-before date – and how you can tell when it has reached past this point.
Always checked stored food before preparation or consumption. The single most obvious way to tell when food has gone “off” is through smell: At the first trace of mold, moisture or decay, it should be discarded or you risk the consequences of food poisoning or worse.

Best Foods for Survival and Stockpiling

One last thing before getting to my list. Even though the following list is mainly made up of staples, it is what works for me. Personalize it for you, your tastes and change out items as needed in case of allergies. It is also not an all-inclusive list but meant to be a foundation on which to build on. Now that I have the basics out of the way, listed in no particular order, here are 25 food items to be stocked
Water. I know, I know water is not a food. But water is critical to our survival and an essential ingredient in most cooking. According to the rules of three we can survive three weeks without food but only three days without water. So, make sure you have plenty of water stored up in bottles, jugs, or barrels. Store them in cool, dry, dark areas. You should also have numerous ways of making water portable, such as filters and bleach.
Honey. Honey is great on everything! Okay I am a little biased because I personally love the stuff. It tastes greats and has other uses has well, such as medicinal purposes. When stored properly this item will last forever.
Pasta. When stored properly pasta can be stored for several years. It has plenty of carbs, and a lot of it can be stored easily. Plus, it will feed a lot of people.
Sugar. A requirement that our bodies need and hey, it tastes good as well. Can also be used for bartering. Keep in an airtight container and it should last indefinitely.
Salt. Other than being a daily requirement, salt has another incredibly useful purpose. It can be used in preserving food when refrigeration is not available, such as meats. Because most bacteria and other organisms cannot live on salt, if stored properly it should have an indefinite shelf life.
No Refrigeration Required. I highly suggest learning alternative methods for preserving foods without refrigeration. Examples would be dehydration, curing(salting) meat, brining meat, smoking meat, and pressure canning.Depending on the type of food being processed and the preservation method used, some foods can last anywhere from a few months to years without refrigeration.
MRE. When it comes to Meals Ready to Eat, I am always ready to eat them. I think these have come a long way in terms of taste and I for one, actually enjoy them. While they do have a long shelf life, they are also expensive and should not be eaten at every meal for an extended amount of time. But they are great for quick emergency meals.
Freeze Dried Foods. These have become popular with many outdoors people because they are extremely lightweight. That is because all the water has been removed from the meal. To prepare, simply add the required amount of water (see I told you water would be important to have)
Canned Goods- A long shelf life, incredibly cheap and no need to cook the contents make canned goods a great food to store. Additionally, there is a wide variety of food choices available.
Oats– Are a cheap ingredient that can be use in a variety of recipes. They can be eaten plan as oatmeal or used in cookies or other dishes. They are filling and if stored properly, can last a long time.
Dried beans. Beans are a good source of protein as well as having other nutritional value.They are cheap and go a long way in feeding a family. Quick tip, if you are on the move try soaking your beans in a water bottle attached to your pack.
Rice. Choose between what kind of rice you want but white rice will last the longest. It is cheap, feeds a lot of people and can last several years when stored properly.
Nuts. Are a good source of protein, fat, and fiber. Different varieties will have different shelf lives. But I vacuumed sealed a bag of mix nuts and ate them a year later with no problem.
Flour. Who does not like baked goods? Cover your baking needs with this basic ingredient. Flour unopened will have a shelf life of one year. After it is opened it decreases to about eight months. If you want a longer shelf life, then invest in whole grains and a grinder to make your own flour.Do not forget the yeast!
Peanut Butter. Mm, peanut butter, another one of my favorites, packed with protein and fats this is staple on my shelf. Unopened peanut butter can last one year and up. After opening it, if there is any discoloration or it has become thick (not as creamy) I would be cautious
Seeds. Why not supplement your diet with some fresh veggies/fruits by storing seeds? Seeds are essential to store. I am not going to recommend what you should plant as that depends on your tastes and what grows in your region. However, I will recommend that you do your research and purchase heirloom seeds.
Coffee/Tea. While they do have their health benefits, coffee and tea are great comfort and bartering items. Afterall, drinking plain water gets a bit boring after a while.
Liquor. Speaking of great comfort and barter items. Even if you do not drink, I would recommend having a bottle or two on hand. They have a long shelf life and would prove quite valuable as a bartering item.
Baking soda. Is used as in ingredient in baking and has a multitude of other use. Can be used as a general cleaner as well as toothpaste.
Powered foods and drinks. Examples would be powdered cheese, eggs, juices, cocoa, and milk. These products have a long shelf life and are easy to make.
Herbs and Spices. Some meals you will be making from items on this list might not be all that flavorful. Adding a little bit of spicelike garlic powder, salt, pepper, oregano, cinnamon, or basil will surely make the meal more enjoyable.
Cooking Grease. Do not forget cooking aids like store bought bacon grease, which can last up to a year when stored properly.
Olive oil. An alternative to grease would be cooking oils. I prefer olive oil as it has a host of health benefits. It will also last up to two years.
Hardtack. Hardtack is a simple bread like food made up of flour, water, and salt. It has an exceptionally low water content which makes it as hard as a brick. When vacuumed sealed it can last for years and years. When you are ready to eat it, I recommend soaking it for five to ten minutes in a cup of coffee, tea or soup.
Comfort Foods. Everyone is different in what they considered treats but do not forget to add some goodies into your supplies. Not only can these be morale boosting during hard times, but they could also be good barter items. Chocolate or various candies are just two such examples.
Canned Pet Food. Don’t forget about pets! Canned pet food can be stored for approximately 2 years after the best-before date. Left longer, it can become toxic – and the same rules you would use for any type of canned, stored meat applies. Discard at the first signs of damage to the can.
Dried Pet Food. Dried pet foods can be kept for approximately 1 year longer than the stamped date says. Longer than this, and it might lose nutrients, develop mold or become potentially toxic when consumed by pets.
Dried Catnip. Although not a food, it can be a pet essential in times of survival. Dried catnip can last for up to 6 months when opened, although as much as 2 years when dried or sealed. Past this time, it’s only likely to go stale, much like dried tea.
Catnip Spray. Thanks to preservatives and carrier substances, catnip sprays make for good stockpiling items for pets – and can last for several years longer than its dried counterpart.
submitted by LIS1050010 to selfreliance [link] [comments]

First time poster here, been following a while. I'm mostly active on I Am Sober app but wanted to share my story on Reddit as well. I suffered from alcohol induced dissociation and anxiety back in the days, after that was a craft beer enthusiast and moderate drinker before I quit. Here's my story.

Hello there. I'm 32 years old male, been sober for 160 days. This will be a long story. As my first book is soon ready (with different subject than alcohol though) I have been thinking of writing a book about alcohol. Because I have so much to tell. Anyway, here's my story of sobering up. I hope it's worth your time.
I started drinking when I was 17 years old, mostly because all my friends turned 18 and were in legal drinking age. My birthdate is always at the end of the year so I was usually the youngest. So I was a bit underaged but went along. My first experiences with alcohol were this drink called "Black Cat", it was kinda liquorice liquor which is quite popular here in Finland (salmiakki, a type of salty liquorice they use in candy), nowadays people just drinki salmiakkivodka and equivalent. It tasted like a couch syrup and I remember liking both the taste and effects. Of course we passed out to our friends floor later in the evening. It was "fun".
Anyway, years went by and I was usually the one that could not hold his booze. When I was young and in my twenties I used to drink until I vomited and passed out. I rarely remembered anything in the morning. I took my hangovers like a man and never drank when hungover, I thought that as path to alcoholism. I mostly drank during the weekends like kids used to do here in Finland. Usually it was only one day of the week, Friday or Saturday. We gathered to a place and drank different kind of drinks, played games, laughed, goofed around etc. I was the introverted shy guy who never got along with anyone, least with girls, but with alcohol I had little bit more confidence. Never too much though. I passed out usually early at the point where others were just getting started and barely noticed my disappearance. In later life my drinking got more controlled but it was still crazy. I got really drunk most of the time.
In some point I got tired of strong drinks because they messed up my head so bad, but I never stopped drinking them. I never liked beer and never drank it but one time I bought this Murphy's can out of curiosity. It tasted like roasted coffee and I was amazed - how can a beer taste like this. So I got into craft beer. The scene was already starting to boom in Finland with new beers so I made it a hobby. I purchased all the new beers I could find. I started a beer review blog. In this point I tasted different kind of beers many times a week. Usually I wasn't even getting drunk, I just enjoyed the culture and taste. The binge drinking continued couple of times per year. Then I wouldn't care what I drank as long as it had alcohol in it.
It was year 2013. We went to summer festival to celebrate my best friend's and coworker's bachelor party for five consecutive days. We drank all that time, day after day after day. We had so much to drink, be it beer, vodka, soft drinks with alcohol, wine, didn't matter. It was crazy and it's all blur to me. I was missing days, didn't remember much of it. After I woke up that day we were meant to leave the festival area, I was so hungover I felt like being in hell. Somehow we got the tent and everything packed up. I remember our tent stick was so deep in the ground that it had been stuck in the root of a tree. We had to get the car and pull it out with a rope tied to the car. Our friend was drunk and high and I was lying in unnatural position in the back where all the seats where taken out and below me was all kind of stuff, I barely fit in the car. I remember watching to the horizont from the front window of the car and seeing how the driver was zigzagging in both ways from the centerline of the road... I was in terrible hungover, sweaty and paranoid and fearing for my life. Thank goodness cops didn't stop us and we got home safely but it was a very dangerous ride. I don't know why I agreed to even go.
When I got home to my family I was feeling like coming back from the war. I was seeing things, it was still blurry and I had both physical and mental symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. I wanted to take it easy but instead I was a wreck, I was panicking, depressed and anxious and felt like going nuts. I slept the day, the next day, the next day. The anxiety and "the feeling" didn't go away. I was going on loop to my friends and wife that "I feel funny in the head". You know the feeling that like you are drunk but are not? It was that but even worse, I didn't feel myself, I saw my hands doing things but I didn't feel them as mine. I watched me in the mirror but I didn't recognize my face, or kinda, but kinda not. I watched myself from behind. I didn't recognize my home. It was surreal and horrible, like a nightmare. I thought it was because I binge drank so many days, that must be it, it's just been a short time, these are just the effects of it. But after two weeks I still got that "feeling". After four weeks it was the same. It never went away. Every time I thought about it I got a really bad panic attack and it felt like I snap and go crazy or die soon. I screamed and cried. Weeks went by. A month. Two months. Three months. I tried everything. Started to eat and sleep well, lost weight, excercised, concentrated on work. I never drank during this period. Couple of times I had to go to ER because I thought I had a brain tumor. They didn't find anything. They said my shoulders were a bit tough so they recommended a massage or ciropractor. So I went to one acquaintance of mine who is a well known ciropractor and he got my back in order. Nothing was helping. I still felt terrible.
I was constantly googling my symptoms and listed them out to my blog. The blog bost grew to a multi page manifest about different kind of things it might be. Never found the definitive answer. After that summer I started therapy. After six months I still suffered from "that feeling". The therapist never did an official dianogis but she SAID that I have probably been having a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for a long time and the circumstances have caused me (and I quote) psychosomatic dissociative disorder induced by binge drinking of alcohol and enforced by anxiety and vicious hypochondriac thinking loop. We went over feelings and events from the summer festival all the way back to my childhood. The "cognitive therapy" as it was helped a lot. In some point I found "The Holy Grail of Curing DP/DR" post and it opened my eyes. After about one year it finally lifted of when my mind got out of the loop.
In 2014 I had started drinking again but I decided to keep it under control and drank mostly beer at that time. I wanted to avoid the thing in last year happening again. But in spring I went with friends to a town near Helsinki. We were attending to a black metal festival nearby as I'm a huge black metal fan. We had whiskey and spirits in the hotel room and I guess I didn't care any more and already forgot about the miserable event in the past. I drank for two days like I was young again until I passed out and lost my memory of the days. So the same thing happened again. I suffered half year of the dissociation, again. Only difference this time was that "that's it", I quit drinking spirits and wine and I no longer wanted to drink anything else than beer. I explained it to myself that spirits are no fun to me as I can't hold my liquor, I lose memory, vomit and pass out every time I get them, I simply get too drunk too easy. Wine was not good to me anyway since it triggers migraine. I remember one time we were attending to a fine dining meal and I had red wine that the waitress recommended. After we left by train my headache got so bad I had to pass out to the floor of the train (there was no space). My friends watched me and told the nearby family that he is not drunk, he just has migraine. It was horrible. After that time I never drank red wine again. Anyway, I stopped everything but beer. Craft beer was my thing and consuming it was slow and controlled. For some reason I didn't want to quit for good. From later life perspective I was already hooked, an addict.
We moved after I had gone through 2 years of therapy and the therapy stopped because of the new location. It was very helpful but I didn't want to search another therapist after moving and my dissociation had been long gone in that point so I didn't see any reason for that. I embraced my life as a snobby craft beer enthusiast as I had got a job from the nearby craft beer pub as a reviewer and connoisseur. People would ask my advice what's THE craft beer to drink and I would gladly tell them and taste with them. I would find pine and oaky notes in there, I would comment on mouthfeel and richness of the hops etc. It was just like wine tasters basically but with beer. That's how the scene evolved, there were no longer lagers and schwarzs, there were dozens of whole new beer styles and new ones were invented daily. From all the beer styles in the world I was most fond of dark imperial stouts. I hunted for them. The best ABV was from 10 to 20, the stronger the better. I liked beers like "Imperial Salty Caramel Cookie Dough Double Coffee Fudge Chocolate Milk Hazelnut Butter Vanilla Cocoa Crumble Brown Ale", they were crazy good and had lots of alcohol. Slowly and steadily my drinking habits grew from "just a two on Friday" to "couple of beers every other day". When the ABV was almost always 10%+ I got drunk most of the time. I didn't really suffer from hangovers much but I was always tired and anxious. It was taking a toll on my health, focus at work and so on. I often said to everyone I wouldn't drink if there was no craft beer and that was true. I drank because of the craft beer culture, people, social aspects and relaxing and of course being intoxicated and hooked.
Years went by. I tasted over 4000 different beers. The hobby evolved from rating every beer to the point I was started to get annoyed about the elitism and hobbyist culture where you need to have a certain recommendation, high enough ABV, certain admired style, or score of the beer to even consider drinking it. So I gave up reviewing beers and started "the old way" to drink any beer that had alcohol in it. It didn't even have to be craft beer. I mostly liked "easy to drink" beers and many breweries tend to make beers so that it's like orange juice. New England Pale Ales and Sour Ales were wonderful, it beautiful juice, and deceptive to say the least.
Fast forward to 2020. We went to celebrate summer to our friends' cabin in the middle of nowhere. We got couple of barrels of beer from the local brewery with taps and all. For two days we had fun, played games (it was a forest LAN event). I remember taking it as an experiment, I wanted to try how much I can drink "just beer" to have a bad hangover. As we paid the barrels together based on how many pints everyone were drinking we had a "logger bookkeeping" with lines in the potholder. I must have had like over 30 lines over two days of period. And it was high ABV new england pale ale. I vomited my guts out both days of the event.
It was a bad hangover on Sunday. I never got the dissociative effects from that but there in that day I was seriously thinking about this. I started to make a list of positive and negative list of using alcohol. The negative list got out of hand and I ran out of paper. The positive list had no points. Finally I made the decicion I had thought of so many days in the past. This time it was for good. I signed up for I Am Sober app and it currently says 5 months, 7 days, 13 hours, 11 minutes, 50 seconds sober.
First weeks sober were kinda hard because in Finland alcohol is everywhere. We have about 5 million people in this country and 90% of people drink. I was starting to learn we use alcohol by habit. We use it at work (yes, many jobs have beer in the fridge and it's free to take whenever you want), after work (it's actually called "afterwork" and can happen many times a week but usually on Friday), on weddings, on funerals, on gettogethers, on housewarming parties, during every national holiday, on christmas, new year, on any public holiday, when you assemble furniture (yes, there is even a saying "asennuskaljat" here which is "an assembly beers" to make assembling IKEA stuff more fun), when you go to sauna (in Finland we have millions of saunas and most saunas per capita, it's Finnish pride and invention to relax, almost every apartment has sauna here, myself included), when you celebrate, when you have fun and not have fun, when you eat, when you play computer games many people have beer instead of energy drink. We have many days in the year even MADE FOR consuming alcohol, like Vappu (Walpuri's Night) where it is socially acceptable to drink on the streets. There are so many examples where alcohol is present, I see it even on TV here, yes, some tv hosts drink beer on live TV and it's not even considered odd. Finnish alcohol link site says: "Use of alcohol has increased considerably in Finland over the last four decades. In 2008, statistics showed that annual alcohol consumption had risen to 8.5 litres of pure alcohol per inhabitant. The amount has quintupled since the late 1950's.".
After three weeks I didn't crave alcohol daily any more. Sometimes during Fridays I watched others drink and it kinda made me sad. I wanted to belong, I kinda missed it. It was like breaking up after a long time of abusive relationship. I recalled only the good times and had to remind myself of all the bad alcohol caused me. I rechecked my list of all the negative things alcohol caused me. There were loads of benefits in being sober from money to mental health.
Here's my list of positive things in alcohol: + Are there any? "Good" beers (NOT that good you want to ruin yourself) + Social life (Actually a negative thing as well because what kind of life is the life that needs alcohol? Can I get social without alcohol? Yes I can if I want)
Here's my list of negative things in using alcohol: - Tiredness in the morning - Can't eat breakfast - Uninterestedness (this is the worst for me). I'm not interested in new things, I can't read books, etc. - Mental health problems escalate, my anxiety gets worse, dangers of dissociation - Stomach problems - In general alcohol causes physically bad things, you just don't always feel them because it also numbs you. I had many headaches and muscle pains while drinking. You can ignore them but they are there. - Money and spending out of control. Alcohol costs a lot in Finland. One good craft beer in a pub can be easily from 15 to 20 €. So one night would cost 100 €. I lost from 500 to 1000 € per month during my craft beer habit. That's about 10000 € per year. I often bought fast food or things I didn't need when drunk. Not to mention irregular gambling while under influence. - General Anxiety Disorder. Doesn't do good. - No time for good things. Wasting time in pubs talking trash. And sleeping in. - Hangovers. Didn't have them much during "craft beer stage" but tiredness is also a hangover. Fatique, metal coma and anxiety could last for weeks and weeks without end. - Circadian rhythm. Didn't have any sleep patterns when used alcohol. I could stay up without much sleep or sleep too much. Alcohol messes up the system. - Risk of cancer. My father, grandfather and father's uncle died of cancer. - Risk of heart issues. My mom has some stuff with her heart. - Craft beer culture getting toxic and elitist - Most of the alcohol doesn't suit me (or anyone) anyway, already quit spirits back in 2013 and can't drink wine - Maybe more but here's the key negatives
So here's my story. Glad you made this far! After almost 6 months sober I have noticed some positive things:
- Better sleep - Better focus - No hangovers - Always time for my son and daughter - More time home - More time to do ANYTHING I want - More money, way more than I ever had, we had a wonderful christmas with presents - Found tea, coffee and artesan soft drinks like ginger beer again - Falling in love again with my wife - Less anxiety, GAD is controllable now - Lost some weight - Less stomach problems
Some negatives as well:
- No social life at all but I'm happy with my family
submitted by Qllervo to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

The rapidly rising market opportunities: Healthy Snack Bar

Taste and convenience are the critical in the snack market, and snack bars have just been able to satisfy both, so the market has remained the industry’s latest windfall.
According to IRI Chicago, total sales of snack and cereal bars grew 2.4 percent to $6.4 billion in the 52 weeks ending Oct. 6, 2019.
“Chocolate bars are a must-have snack to meet consumers’ busy schedules, and it have wide varieties, including cereal bars, energy bars and sports bars, means it can meet everyone’s lifestyle needs.” said Harbinder Maan, associate director of trade marketing and management for the Almond Board in Modesto, Calif.
The largest product segment, nutritional health snack bars, grew 5.1 percent to $3.4 billion. CLIF Bar sales increased 4.2 percent to $472.4 million. Its CLIF Builders product line declined slightly, falling 0.2 percent to $103.1 million. revenue for the CLIF Kid line grew 32.3 percent to $76.9 million. Other notable sales results for other key brands in the segment included Atkins Nutritional, up 25.6% to $225.5 million, and its Atkins Endulge line, up 21.9% to $64.2 million. Sales of General Mills brand RXBAR increased 23.3% to $146.6 million.
Breakfast, cereal and snack bars also performed well this year, growing 4.7 percent to $1.4 billion. Kellogg’s led the way in this segment with moderate growth for its flagship brands, with Krispies Treats bars up 0.5 percent to $632.9 million and Nutri-Grain bars up 1.7 percent to $180.2 million. The newly launched Rice Krispies Treats Snap Crackle Poppers line earned $24.9 million in its first year on the market. KIND had a strong year in its major breakfast bar line, up 14.8% to $69.1 million, and its KIND Minis line had a good year, up 98.5% to $21.8 million.

Sales of the smaller “other snacks/cereal bars” rose 5.4% to $14.2 million. This segment is home to many emerging snack bar brands. Notably, Joyva sales increased 14.9 percent to $2.3 million and private brand sales increased 490.1 percent to $1.6 million.
Angela Bonnema, senior scientist at Cargill, said, “Snack bars have the flexibility to cover new dietary trends and introduce sku to meet consumers’ biggest areas of need. Today, you’ll see snack bars that meet a variety of consumer needs, from clean-label and high-protein to low-carb, keto, vegan and plant-based. Snack bars meet these consumer needs as a portable, easy-to-consume product.”
Brad Schwan, senior director of marketing, snacks, bakery and cereals at ADM Chicago, noted that the benefits of the bars also include consumers viewing snacking as part of a healthy lifestyle and a convenient way to provide nutrition. “Many consumers are also increasingly focused on their personal health needs, and they are looking for snacks that not only satisfy their tastes, but also contain the right combination of features to help them feel better from the inside and outside.”

01.Nutritional Ingredients

Schwan says consumers prefer foods that contain added nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, probiotics and reducing sugars. Protein, of course, remains the top choice for chocolate bars.
Whey and soy are still widely used, but plant-based proteins like peas, beans and lentils continue to gain traction, Bonnema explained, because these types of ingredients also tend to fit into today’s biggest product trends, such as non-GMO, organic, sustainable, vegan, gluten-free, soy-free and label-friendly. They are also easier to formulate than ever before, she said.
Joe Katterfield, manager of health and performance nutrition development at Arla Foods Ingredients, said the number of brands of milk protein is also on the rise. “Milk protein contains all the essential amino acids, is neutral in taste and powerful, and can easily be made into high-protein chocolate with good taste or texture.” The company’s Lacprodan SoftBar ingredient can provide up to 37 percent protein.
The common allergen-free protein also appeals to brands that try to differentiate between different allergens and attracts a large group of consumers who seek it out for a variety of reasons (including exercise recovery, weight management).
Jeff Smith, director of marketing for the global ingredients division of Blue Diamond Almonds in Sacramento, California, notes that demand for almond protein powder, which is used to make almond bars, and almond butter, which provides about 45 percent of the protein, is increasing. Almond protein powder is also an excellent source of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, calcium, fiber and copper.
Fiber will become an even more important nutrient in this category as it becomes a mainstream phenomenon to consume and evaluate foods for positive digestive and other related health benefits,” Schwan said. Prebiotics and probiotics are also emerging in snack bar products as consumers take an active interest in microbes and their overall impact on health, from improving mental health to helping with inflammation and promoting skin health.”

02.Whole Food Ingredients

Pilar Arellano, director of marketing at Nature’s Bakery, said consumers place a high value on knowing what’s in their snacks, which has led to a demand for more transparency about the ingredients used, including more purposeful and nutritious ingredients such as whole grains and fruits. She noted that when consumers are looking for purer ingredients in their food, they want whole food ingredients like dates or applesauce.
In an effort to balance indulgent and clean labels, the brand offers chocolate bars, whole grains, cocoa and dates. Its cereal bar is also made with oats, fruit and dates, but for those looking for breakfast on the go, it has 3 grams of fiber and 14 grams of whole grains. Healthy snacks don’t have to be bland and tasteless. To stand out, product developers can add tasty ingredients to their products to ensure consumers like them. This chocolate bar comes in pumpkin, cherry, lemon and strawberry flavors.
Jennifer Williams, marketing director for the California Walnut Council, said …… “Whole food nutrition is one of the dominant trends in chocolate bars, which is why we’re seeing so many nut-dense bars on store shelves. As with most foods, consumers want them. However, in the snack bar category, manufacturers can actually offer whole-food ingredients by using the flavors and nutrients that consumers love.” She noted that walnuts contain protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which also enhance taste.
As consumers increasingly seek healthier snacking options, product developers are looking for ‘hero ingredients’ that reflect consumer demand for plant-based and clean-label products,” Maan said. Almond’s healthful aura continues to make it a popular ingredient for chocolate, as it is available in 15 diverse forms, allowing developers to adjust the texture. For example, chewy, crunchy and creamy textures are attractive and can benefit from almond protein powder, almond butter or natural almonds. Each 30 grams of almonds contains essential vitamins and minerals, 6 grams of protein, 3.8 grams of fiber and 9 grams of healthy monounsaturated fat.”


Snack bars offer great flavor, too, which is important – especially when consumers use them to satisfy a candy craving. But product developers shouldn’t get too hung up on it.
I think there are two categories that are becoming increasingly important,” Katterfield explains. The first category offers ‘healthier indulgences. The second type of chocolate bar contains no artificial ingredients, but is also rich in protein. As a result, the consumer base has expanded to include non-athletes looking for a healthier snack, as well as consumers looking for a convenient way to supplement their protein to enhance their recreational workouts. Both of these groups consume chocolate bars for health-related reasons.”
Mark Stavro, senior director of marketing for Chesterfield, Missouri-based Bunge Loders Croklaan, said one way to balance these needs is to put a little icing on the candy and let consumers indulge a little. Flavor remains a key driver when consumers are looking for healthier packaged goods. He noted that the three-year growth rate for coated chocolate is four times that of uncoated chocolate, indicating growing consumer interest. In addition, he said, brands offering coated chocolate may be charging higher prices.
Bonnema also suggests focusing on some special diets. Snack bars that cater to specific diets, such as the keto diet, will continue to appeal to consumers.
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Best Muscle Building Shakes and powders of 2021

Muscle building shakes:

A chemical experiment is a mixing protein shake. A little bit of this, a little of that, a scoop, then Mix. When the OFF switch is pressed, experimental findings are in place. (Imagine whirling noise here.) If the ingredients constitute a great mix, the drink will not stop until the shake is gone, if they are in the correct number.

Researchers compared the effect on muscle building and burning fat after weight lifting training on drinking non-fat milk, soy protein drinks, and carbohydrate drinks. All three groups got their muscle, but the best results were obtained by the dairy drinkers.

What is the perfect shake for building muscle?

These great treatments will certainly inject new life into any exhausting protein routine. Try all these recipes or just slightly alter them so that athletes checked by you will make a special difference. Do you want the best shake to begin your diet??? Circumvention Bypass simplistic “water and mix” shake and pack serious power and taste with these simple yet delicious recipes into your protein
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Maintains the nutritional benefits with an improved flavor. Build your athletic legacy with great taste.Amazon Myprotein® Impact Whey Isolate Protein Powder, Gluten Free Protein Powder
Provides your body with convenient, high-quality protein, which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle massBuy On Amazon MusclePharm Combat Protein Powder
Protein powder for those who demand optimized recovery, muscle growth, and support strength.Buy On Amazon True Nutrition – rBGH/Soy Free Whey Protein Isolate
An excellent source of the highest quality protein to help you maximize muscle growth and aid recoveryBuy On Amazon NOW Sports Nutrition, Chicken Bone Broth Powder
Provides support to your muscles and help in muscle growthBuy On AmazonRECOMENDED
Dymatize ISO 100 Whey Protein Powder
If your goal is to gain muscle size and strength, this can help you with your keto, low carb, or high protein dietBuy On Amazon

Are muscle building smoothies good?

Some of the main sources of protein are yogurt, nuts and nut butter, silk tofu, and milk and soy milk. This helps build up your muscle — which is good, whether you want to build your body or just try the tonic. It’s good. Choose energy-enhancing add-ins, such as berries, oats, and yogurt.

Will, you just drink protein shakes to build muscle?

Shakes in protein would also help you to reach your fitness goals, be it weight loss or muscle gain. Protein shakes to improve muscle gain and increase regeneration and efficiency. They can also avoid muscle loss and help muscle mass increase during weight loss.
  1. Cashew smoothie: The secret part of this smoothie is cashew. A small quantity will keep her lactose intake while keeping her creamy consistency.
  2. Cocoa Smoothie: For the best muscle building shake put some cocoa powder in the mix to prepare a great muscle-building shake. There are two advantages, namely that the addition of cocoa improves taste and produces good antioxidant strength. You will burn fat for hours if you want a lean shake! to come, this is a great go-to recipe!
  3. Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie: Stack your shakes by adding a little extra protein and good fats. The simplicity of this shake ensures that there is no reason for not fuel the body properly with a quick preparation period of 2-3 minutes.
  4. The Smoothie of Angry Bruce: The balanced combination of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean protein are all you have to do for the day before. This shake can also be taken as a meal substitute when you are in the town, far from home, or just have a day filled with jams.
  5. Orange Cream Smoothie: Why do you have a simple old shake, while without shame you get a dairy shake? It consists of “fit” ice cream and takes on a whole new degree of purity. Whip this recipe to search for sweet dandelions. Not an orange-vanilla fan? Adjust your taste pattern and clean and frothy your dreams.

What should I drink for muscle building?

Within 30 minutes of completing your training, you will be able to heal by inundating your bloodstream with acids that easily shut into your muscle cells to become fresh Muscle tissue by consuming a whey protein mixed with cold water or milk. Other times, protein powder can also be taken.

best muscle-building protein powders:

Protein powders are concentrated sources of protein, such as milk, eggs, corn, or peas in animal and plant foods. The powder of protein, building blocks of muscle, is rich in amino acids. After muscle tension is applied in training, amino acids allow the muscle tissue to be healed and reinforced back and forth. If you need to make muscle. Try the best muscle building shake and protein powder.

These essential amino acids can also help protect your muscles, particularly if your diet is low or light-speed metabolism. These are essential amino acids. This is so many people lift weights like a protein shake before their bed because their bodies are long without nourishment.

Three different shapes exist:

Protein concentrate: made with heat, acid, or enzymes by extracting protein from the whole meal. Usually, they have 60-80% protein, the remainder being 20-40% fat and carbohydrates.
The second-largest-selling commodity in the sports food industry after sports drinks in 2015 was protein powder with a turnover of $4.7 billion.
People use best muscle building shake to increase muscle mass, improve overall body composition, and help meet their protein needs.
  1. Whey protein comes from milk. …
  2. Casein Like whey, casein is a protein found in milk. …
  3. Egg Protein. …
  4. Pea Protein. …
  5. Hemp Protein. …
  6. Brown Rice Protein. …
  7. Mixed Plant Proteins.
Research in 2014 showed that if people eat protein items like protein powders, it helps to minimize muscle soreness and prevent muscle harm after regular training
Here are the best protein powders for bodybuilding:
Also read,

Muscle Building Shake Elite Series Description from Six Star Pro Nutrition

The Six Star Muscle Construction Milk Shake is the US # 1 supplement selling bodybuilding company, so the best solution, best taste, and best results are expected to offer. It is improved by a product that other guys don’t have, scientifically proven. And while milkshake is lower in fat and calories than six-star muscle building, it is still providing the best taste! Moreover, it has the nutrients you are searching for in an ultra-premium protein mix of 19 vitamins and minerals.


Muscle protein disintegration (MPB) is increased during the night, with losses of 5-15 grams. Body size and diet all day long and before sleeping. The best shake of Protein and certain carbohydrates help reverse this detrimental effect on muscular protein for the first time in the morning to improve MPS. Shoot at breakfast for at least 20-35 grams of protein, depending on your body size, protein type, and the overall target protein for your day.

Before bed

The muscle-protein balance slides during the night into an unfeeling state, to produce free amino acids to power the body, towards MPB rather than MPS. The intakes or a small amount of protein in combination with additional BCAAs or leucine of at least 20 grams of the casein and casein mixture can help keep the MPS higher while you are sleeping. Best muscle building shakes Promoting gain in muscles and improving recovery and performance. They also prevent muscle loss and can even improve muscle strength while losing weight

During and after exercise

Both MPS and MPB can be elevated during a difficult training session. You aim to optimize the former and reduce the latter, either before or after exercise, with protein and some carbohydrates. Set the target of about 20-35 g of protein, like breakfast.

Protein Targeting And Timing

Many sports nutritionists believe that the best muscle building shake must be regarded as a significant food consideration by athletes and individuals who work hard at the fitness center. A good guideline is to target approximately 20-30 % of total calories – or 1 gram of lean body weight per pound – or your target for lean body weight – with calorie and food frequency personalization. For instance, a lean, 190-pound athlete consuming 3,000 calories will target approximately 190 grams daily of protein, around 25% of the caloric goal.
Besides, each meal should be protein-based, which will consume at least 20-30 grams of protein every three hours (depending on the body size and form of protein). This helps optimize the synthesis of muscle proteins (MPS) all day long. Besides, during the day protein is critical, there are three main meal targets.
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submitted by AmbitionSuper to u/AmbitionSuper [link] [comments]

The Definitive Guide to Smelling Good

Smelling good (or even amazing!) is overlooked when it comes to looksmaxxing tips imo. In my experience, I have fallen head over heals for guys who otherwise I wouldn’t have given a second glance to because I caught a whiff of their cologne and they smell so sexy… and I’m guessing it has to be sort of similar for girls as well. At the very minimum, smelling bad in any way shape or form is a MAJOR turn off, so if you’re already not that confident in the looks or personality department you’re not doing yourself any favors.

First Section: Hygiene Tips

Good hygiene is half the battle to not only looking presentable in general but to smelling nice/not smelling bad. This might seem basic, but unfortunately, in my experience I’ve come across more people that smell bad in one way or another than those who smell particularly amazing. So I think it’s worth restating some of these tips, and I hope you will learn something new!
-NEVER put on deodorant without washing first/ on top of an already smelly situation. It’s not a substitute for washing or a “treatment” option, it’s preventative care. Trust me on this one, you’re just going to make it worse. I like to use a wet washcloth with soap and water if I haven’t showered yet that day. If you’re out and about and catch a whiff of something rank under your arm, go into the restroom and use wet paper towels with a little soap and scrub away before applying deodorant if you have it on you. Same goes with perfume and body sprays.
-Know the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. Deodorant = stops the smell; Antiperspirant = stops the sweat. Beware of this because some brands may only be one or the other, although most today do include both. Some antiperspirants are best applied at night, so they can seep into the skin while it’s dry. Also PS if you have problems with excessive underarm sweating, talk to your derm or doc about getting on Drysol or another prescription strength antiperspirant.. this really helped me out.
-Think about whether you want scented or unscented deodorant. To be honest, I think almost all female scented deodorants smell overpowering and cloying, and I prefer a neutral base (no smell) for that area anyway as I don’t particularly want attention drawn to my armpits of all places. Unfortunately it is getting harder and harder to find true unscented deodorants… especially when companies name fragrances as “ completely clean” or “daily fresh” when this does NOT necessarily mean they are unscented (whereas something like “Lavender” is obviously scented) and it can be very confusing. I recommend Secret’s clinical strength Invisible solid “Sensitive Unscented,” as it really does smell like nothing. This is however a white block-style deodorant and can leave some stains on dark clothes if you’re not careful… so be wary. But I have yet to find a clear gel or spray deodorant that is truly unscented…. If you know of any please lemme know in the comments!!!
-Consider adding underarm exfoliating to your showebath routine. This can help slough off deodorant buildup and dead skin that is causing the products to be less effective. Try a homemade salt/sugar scrub for this or if you have physical facial exfoliants lying around that are too harsh on your face, repurpose them for underarms.
-In my experience, sometimes deodorants get less effective overtime, and it can be useful to switch up the brand/formula every once in a while. Not sure if there’s a scientific reason behind this, but if you feel like your normal deodorant is less effective than usual it’s worth trying.
-Take “natural” deodorants with a grain of salt. Although I appreciate the sentiment behind this sort of thing, in my experience many of them do NOT perform well. Several of my family members who use Tom’s of Maine deodorant (a brand whose focus is on making natural hygiene products like toothpaste) have had very bad body odor problems that subsided once they started using a more traditional deodorant.
Bad breath is one of the most commonly stated turn-offs for both males and females of any sexual orientation. Don’t fall victim to being a morning-breath (or all-day breath!) monster. But how do you know if you have bad breath? Number one tip is to ask a family member or friend… but if you’re too embarrassed to do that, try spitting onto the back of your hand, and smelling it. It’s a pretty good indicator.
-Obviously, brush your teeth twice a day. This should go without saying but I know many who only brush once… TWICE IS THE BARE MINIMUM GUYS. And make sure it’s at least 2 minutes. Also really concentrate on getting the hard to reach places in the back of the mouth, especially the back molars.
-Please floss. For the love of god. I promise you there is shit in between your teeth that that the toothbrush couldn’t get. Please get it out. It probably stinks too.
-Invest in a tongue scraper, or be sure to brush your tongue. Bacteria can build up on it and cause bad breath.
-Foul smelling bacteria builds up faster in your mouth when it’s dry and saliva isn’t being produced. This is one of the main culprits of morning breath, as saliva production decreases during sleep and you aren’t drinking or eating then either. To resolve this, drink water consistently throughout the day, and try not to go longer than a few hours without eating (even if just a small snack). If you are into fasting, obviously keep hydrated!
-If you do all of the above regularly and STILL have chronic bad breath problems, there is a good chance you could have TONSIL STONES. Honestly, I think many more people have tonsil stones than they realize. I found TonsilStones a while ago, and being grossly satisfied by it, I decided to check if I had any. Lo and behold… I extracted about 10 tiny yellow buggers from the back of my throat with a Qtip and the back of my toothbrush. Guys, they smell FUCKING DISGUSTING. I mean they’re literally chunks of rotten food and foul sulfurous bacteria that have gotten stuck in pockets of your throat. Also now that I know what they smell like I can sort of tell when other people have them too… my mom being the main culprit. Go check out the sub above if you think you may have them (or anyone for that matter) to familiarize yourself with where the tonsil is and how to check if you have them. Protip- mine are quite small and don’t show up open first glance, but if I rub a Qtip up my tonsil they will pop out. They also form a lot faster than you might think, mine come back every few days and I have to extract them regularly.
-Mints, breath sprays, and gums are often marketed (and seen by pop-culture) as cure-alls for bad breath, but honestly imo they’re more of bonuses than subs for good oral hygiene. It’s like what I said about deodorant/perfume earlier, don’t use it on top of an existing problem.
-Mouthwashes with alcohol can further dry out your mouth, which is counterintuitive if you’re trying to reduce bad breath.
-Edit- I forgot about oral probiotics (like the ones specifically for mouth health, not just probiotics taken orally, although those have many benefits too). They help replace the bad smelly bacteria in your mouth with a colony of good, helpful bacteria overtime. This can reduce plaque, bad breath, and even the formation of tonsil stones. read more about it here
-Never wear sneakers without socks. This should also go without saying.
-Be mindful of shoe breathability. Usually the more breathable the shoe, the less likely it is you’re going to have smelly feet when you take your shoes off (due to the buildup of anaerobic bacteria). This is why flip flops and sandals never tend to lead to smelly feet, but sneakers and boots often do. ALSO if you’re in a setting where others are taking off their shoes (ie watching movies on the couch with friends) BE EXTREMELY MINDFUL of your shoe’s breathability before your due the same. I have a pair of ankle-boots that while very chic are not breathable in the slightest (made of rubber) and when I take them off, my feet smell TERRIBLE. I made the mistake of taking them off in the presence of friends once and had to almost immediately put them back on, it was so rank.
-There are some things you can buy to absorb the odors out of smelly shoes, like sneaker balls. Haven’t tried them myself but it’s out there. Baking soda also apparently can do this?
-Always dry feet fully after showering/getting them wet to prevent the development of a nasty, smelly foot fungus.
Vagina/Vulva Area (if you have one)
There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the cleaning of this area. First off, for some basic anatomy, technically the vagina is just the “hole” / tube of expandable muscle (even though culturally we often refer to a woman’s entire genitalia as the “vagina,” this isn’t anatomically correct and can lead to confusion). The VULVA refers to the outside of a woman’s genitalia. The labia are the folds, with the labia minora being the inside folds and the labia majoria referring to the bigger, outside folds where hair can grow. NEVER clean the inside of your VAGINA! It is self-cleaning and you can mess up its delicate pH by doing so. HOWEVER, it IS important to clean your vulva and labia daily or it can get smelly and gross due to smegma. Water, a washcloth, and gentle soap (ie Johnson’s baby wash, dove sensitive, liquid facial soap, etc) can all be used for this task. Be sure to really get in there (especially if you are opting to just use water) to make sure there is no lingering smegma buildup around the tiny folds by the clit. Yes this is gross but it is necessary to talk about because many women (and men) are never taught how to clean themselves down there. Also, if you’re using soap be sure to not get it in the urethra area (ouch!!) and only use it in the outer folds!
-Cleaning with a wet washcloth and a little soap is much more preferable than cleaning with baby wipes, as they can leave a bit of an off scent. However, if you’re in a pinch you’re in a pinch.
-If you’re concerned about smelling funky down there during your period, change your pad/tampon more often instead of using scented hygiene products. Even if deemed “safe” I still think it’s not the best thing to be putting scented things near your sensitive vagina, and you don’t want to be drawing attention to that area anyways with a cloying lavender scent. Vaginas are not supposed to smell like flowers.
-Likewise, vulvas after cleaning should have little to no smell, and smell like skin if anything. After a few hours, the natural “vagina” smell will return, and again this is NATURAL to have a bit of a musky scent down there. It’s a vagina after all.
-HOWEVER, if the smell is way more than just “a bit” musky, or it smells fishy, or anything else way out of the ordinary, it is worth considering that you could have a medical problem going on that needs to be addressed.
-Don’t use douches. Period.
-Edit- u/Baekseoulhui has pointed out that a probiotic supplement can help you smell better down there and have better vaginal health in general. A great tip i didn't even consider. Yay for good bacteria!

Tips that aren’t Hygiene related:

Obviously, most of my tips are about general hygiene to help the average person get to a clean, neutral state where “extras” (perfumes, lotions, et cetera) can be applied. Remember, you need a good base before you can add the garnishes to a plate of food, or the icing to a cake. Same applies with smelling good, and to be honest 90% of the population doesn’t even reach that baseline state!
-If you can find one that works with your hair care routine, try to opt for a shampoo/conditioner combo that knocks it out of the park in terms of fragrance. The typical drugstore shampoo smell is fine, but if you really want wow factor and that extra layer of scent, this is key. I personally have several favorites, including coconut shampoo/cond combos like this ~it smells so tropical~ and I also always get compliments on my hair smelling nice when I use this shampoo with its respective conditioner. It has a wonderful scent, floral yet delicate and slightly exotic but not overpowering. One time even, a massive fly wouldn’t leave my head alone because it thought my hair was a flower!
-Try to use haircare products that are pleasantly scented as well. For example, LUSH sea salt hair spray smells so wonderfully intoxicating to me with its blend of neroli and orange blossom
Perfumes, Body Mists, etc
-Understand the difference between a perfume, a eau de parfum, a eau de toilette, and a body mist. Perfumes / “parfum” are very intense and a small bit goes a long way. A eau de parfum is slightly less intense, followed by a eau de toilette, and so on. SEE HERE. A “body mist” is usually a less expensive scent product (think the big spray bottles at bath and body works or Victoria’s secret) that is meant to be sprayed several times around the body as it isn’t too strong.
-Know where to put fragrances. Target spots include wrists, neck, behind the ears, and chest. Body mists of course can go over the entirety of the body.
-Understand that everyone’s bodies have different chemistry, and just because it smells good on someone else or in the bottle, doesn’t mean it’s going to smell good on you. Testing it on yourself is absolutely necessary to see if it works on you and how long it stays.
-NEVER buy a full-sized perfume without testing a sample on yourself for a week or so. Again, you can’t know for sure if it will be a good fit with your body no matter how many good reviews it gets online. Plus perfume lasts A WHILE. The big ones take years to use up… if you’re experimenting with beauty and fashion (especially in your teen years) don’t make that big of a purchase until you’re 100% sure you’re in love with a fragrance.
-There are many ways to acquire free 0.5 oz samples of perfumes that you want to experiment with. I’ve gotten them just by walking around department stores in high end malls and sometimes they’ll have little bins out with a few types of fragrance samples (looks like this) you can take for free! I also have had luck ordering samples online for free (often by searching thru freebies, or looking on the perfume’s website directly). Also it’s always worth asking the employee behind the counter for a take home sample if possible. Some stores, like LUSH, are really good about this and the samples are surprisingly big.
-For more information on the best brands and specific perfume scents, go check out fragrance!
Body: Lotions, shower gels, body conditioners, etc
-These are a good way to layer fragrances around your body so you can add depth to your signature scent or daily smell.
-I love LUSH, and I think their body products due a great job of incorporating more “adult” scents into them (as opposed to a place like Bath and Body works, which basically has two types of scent: toothache-inducingly sweet sugar or orgy in the florist’s shop floral). Some of my favorites include Rose Jam shower jel (I have gotten compliments from an entire room of people after showering with this), Sleepy lotion (lavender), and Charity pot lotion (ylang ylang, cocoa butter, plus 100% of proceeds donated). Lush Massage bars are also underrated in terms of their fragrance capabilities, and they are packaging free too. Of those, Each Peach, Soft Coer, and Tender is the Night smell really good.
-Couldn’t decide if this is personal hygiene related or not, I suppose the bare minimum is (ie having clean clothes) but extra scents would be more of this category.
-If you want a clean, neutral base to start with, obviously wash your clothes in detergent that is labelled as “for sensitive skin” or “unscented.” However, for people who prefer to have a more low-maintenance fragrance routine, a scented detergent can be a good tool in the arsenal that’s not extra work. Beware however, some might not be your thing so be sure to test them out (by smelling at the store if you can, or buying a smaller package to start with). There are some nice scents it seems, like lavender, which I haven’t tried personally. Dryer sheets as well can be used to similar effects.
-To avoid musty smelling laundry, try putting dried floral or herb sachets in with your socks, underwear, or shirt drawers. Lavender or rosemary ones are classics.
-Lipsticks, glosses, and balms are touted for their colors/visual effects, but the impact of their scents (on other people, not just the wearer) is quite understated. I can usually tell if someone talking to me at close range has recently applied a scented lip product, and often it can be quite a pleasant experience if what they have on smells nice. No recommendations here, as there’s just so many to pick from, but it’s worth noting. This goes hand in hand with the breath section. Also lip glosses seem to be the most strong-smelling (to the observer, not necessarily the wearer) imo.


-Don’t go overboard with fragrances. Perfumes and cologne lovers especially are frequent perpetrators of this, as we often go “nose-blind” (not to sound like that one fucking commercial) to smells that are on/around our bodies for long periods of time. Again, see the guide to fragrance intensities I put above.
-You don’t need a scented deodorant + scented detergent + smelly body wash + lotion + perfume + sugary lip gloss all at once to smell good. This is why sometimes it’s good to have neutrals, when it comes to things like deodorant or lotion even, if you are into perfumes and mists and want to experiment with that instead. HOWEVER, blending fragrances is an art of sorts and can be done, especially highlighting different scents on different parts of the body. Just be mindful of what works well together (on your body and in general) and don’t mix obvious opposites like a saccharine cherry lip balm with a musky oud perfume.
-There’s nothing wrong with wanting to smell like, well, nothing. As I mentioned earlier, many people don’t even make it that far… foul body odors can be smelt anywhere where there’s a large gathering of people. That’s why personal hygiene tips make up 60% of this post. Also, strong fragrances can bother some peoples’ skin or noses and cause headaches. So be mindful of those around you, like if any family members have smell sensitivities.
If I’ve forgotten anything, be sure to add it in the comments below! I’d love to learn more about maximizing hygiene and fragrances as obviously it’s something I’m passionate about… I didn’t even mean to write this long of a post!
Edit 1- Formatting
Edit 2- added probiotics under breath and vaginal health categories.
submitted by disgustingIittlesIut to Vindicta [link] [comments]

Fitness Diary! 31F, Orange County, failed intermittent fasting but life goes on!

Location: Southern California
Household: Partner and I
Reasons for wanting to get fit: For energy and feeling healthy all around. Around 26-27, my mental and physical health went downhill, partially due to stress but also age got to me sooner than I expected. (Note to all the youngins, this is the age where it goes downhill, not 40) I couldn’t eat all the junk I want, avoid exercising and still feel fine and dandy. I also struggle with lack of energy+ focus issues due to narcolepsy and adhd (inattentive).
Fitness Goal: Strong and energetic, physically I like to have more muscle. I’ve always been skinny fat, I have a thin frame which fools a lot of people into thinking I’m in shape, but I kid you not, it’s all fat between my bones and skin.
Workouts: Prior to Covid, I go on walks, gentle yoga 1x a week, a hike or jog during weekends. Since WFH, I do 45 mins - 1 hour workouts 3-4x a week consistently, and take walks when I’m not deterred by covid, heatwaves or smoke outside due to California being on fire.
Diet: Intuitive eating- I love food and resisting cravings never ends well for me. I have a great relationship with food now, except I should probably eat more greens. That being said, I guess I enjoy new experiences/torture because part of this week involves experimenting with intermittent fasting…
Lifestyle: Sedentary, I WFH on a computer 8-9 hours a day and lay on the sofa or bed reading/ watching shows/ play games the rest of the time. I’m real lazy, exercising is always an event for me.
Note (s)- I’m wearing a mask + taking proper safety precautions going out.
Sorry in advance for poor grammar or spelling mistakes!
8pm- A week ago we were having heat waves and suddenly its sweater weather. I make myself a cup of matcha tea, and check the AQI (air quality index), it’s unhealthy so no walk probably most of the week. We get forest fires every year around this time but this year is especially bad, it’s as if there’s a sepia filter outside. Realizing I forgot chili peppers in the mayak eggs (korean marinated eggs), I prepped the night before, I chop 2 up and toss them in.
9:30pm- I refill my 24oz hydroflask (I try to drink at least 2 bottles per day). Coworker shares a photo of Halloween edition count chocula cereals and I get excited about the strawberry and blueberry versions. I’m love fruity flavors and am a true sucker for anything limited edition.
12pm- Finally get to break out of my fast! I’ve been trying intermittent fasting the last couple of days, it’s challenging for me as a grazer. I sliced up broccoli stems because the one my bf J. picked up is all stems with the tiniest floret head on top (why?!) I attempt to eat that raw with left over pork chop rice out of sheer laziness, and possibly tiredness from IF and its terrible. I eat a mini pumpkin ginger ice cream cone from Trader Joe’s and recover from this tragedy.
2:45pm- I take a break from work and snack on overnight oats- steel cut oats and chia seeds in oatmilk topped with hemp seeds, mix nut butter and usually honey but recently I’m in love with TJ’s maple butter so I use that instead.
4pm- My friends and I do a 45 mins workout session via Zoom, consisting of cardio, abs, legs and yoga stretch thanks to MrandMrsMuscle, MadFit and YogaWithAdriene on youtube.
6pm- Tonight’s dinner is japanese keema curry with grounded kurobuta pork, carrot, onions and potatoes. I experiment with halving the pork the recipe calls for, replacing it with more vegetables and J. (the meat eater) can’t tell the difference. Success! We top the curry with shredded cheddar cheese and eat it along with rice.
7:50pm- Grabbed a 2nd pumpkin ginger ice cream cone as my feeding window narrowly closes. I give my bunny T. her evening pets and treat.
9pm- I take a shower using Lush’s Sultana soap, it smells sweet and not overly strong. Most of my life, I never purchase anything from Lush because it always felt unreasonably expensive but a few years ago, a friend gifted me a bar of soap of theirs and I discovered that the sweet, fruity scents really help curb my sugar cravings ( as well as turning my showers into really pleasant experiences). Since then, I always keep a few bars around.
8am- I don’t feel as hungry today as the last couple of mornings! I make iced apple green tea (from Lupricia), pour a cup and put the pitcher in the fridge. I read more on intermittent fasting, end up buying some ketones strips for science! ($7)
11:20am- I am a weak, imperfect human and broke my fast 40 minutes early, I’m so hungry!! Heated up keema curry with rice and pickled daikon and inhaled it. I also eat an old chocolate caramel easter candy I found in the cupboard.
3pm- Found out a coworker is leaving and need a pick me up. I eat a pumpkin ice cream cone while pondering about my own life choices and career path.
5pm- Our workout session is usually scheduled at 4pm but our unofficial leader has a headache today. The rest of us type B personalities procrastinated and ponder if we should work out today. A whole hour later, we finally get our shit together and do 45 mins of butt, leg, arms and stretch videos.
6:30pm- Tonight’s dinner is Bali bowls with peanut tofu from Feasting at Home blog, it’s a simple recipe but washing and chopping multiple veggies so time consuming! Our bowls consists of shredded cabbage, snow peas, microgreens, carrots, avocado, sweet potato and tofu and delicious peanut sauce and I scarfed it down as the feeding window closes. A trend I’m noticing is on intermittent fasting is that I’m inhaling all my food all the time. Lunch? Inhale because im starving. Dinner? Inhale because my feeding window is closing.
8pm- Make up the work time I spent exercising, thank you WFH for your flexibility.
8am- Weather’s like just kidding, its 80s again.
10:30am- Hunger cues are kicking in, but I soldier on with hot peach green tea (also Lupricia’s, they make really good fruit teas). I noticed the pea shoots I planted a few weeks earlier are getting long so I go out and snip some along with radish microgreens for lunch later. It’s just a handful because my gardening space/patio is tiny.
11:30pm- With mask on, I head over to my parents to pick up our family dog P. because my mom works part time and P. hates being left alone. When I get back, I eat left over bali bowls topped with garden greens and another pumpkin ginger ice cream cone, yikes I only have 2 left. I chop up a sugar kiss melon and put them in container for snacking later.
2pm- Work project isn’t going as I planned and I stress eat 2 milka chocolate cover biscuits.
4pm- Rest day for everyone, no workout today! P. and I go for a short walk around the block instead, I can see the smoke in the air.
7 pm- J. pick up sichuan food but they got the order wrong for the second time in a row. We were really craving the original dish (fish filets with chinese pickles) so J. (bless his soul) drove back to get it exchanged. Due to the mishap, we eat late and finished at 8:15 but I was too hungry to care. We ate the fish with braised spare ribs and rice.
9am- Walk the pup, pet the bun and sit on the couch sipping matcha tea while scrolling through reddit. Morning relax time is the best! On traderjoes, I find out the new batch of seasonal fall items are in and I’m at peak happiness and excitement. I jot down a to buy list consisting of pumpkin spice pretzel slims, maple oat milk, spiced chai concentrate, maple kettle corn, cinnamon spread, cinnamon bun cookies, salted caramel hot cocoa, cookie butter beer and truffle precornio cheese. Nothing on this list is healthy lol.
10:30pm- I can already tell intermittent fasting isn’t sustainable for me, spend the rest of the morning looking at charcuterie boards and planning a charcuterie/movie night with my friend O. and her bf (one of the very few people we met up with during covid besides our immediate families)
12:15pm- J’s parent’s drop off food that they bought from another friend who lost her job during covid and is now selling home cook meals to make some extra income. Luckily she’s not struggling but hearing the story makes me think of the people who are. We eat spicy tangy peanut-y noodles and acorn jelly, while feeling thankful.
4pm- Unofficial leader is back and the 50 minute workout is so tough, I’m drench in sweat. I eat a mayak egg for post workout protein along with some kimchi.
5:30pm- Another aromatherapeutic shower, this time with Lush’s citrus-y Karma. Dinner is left over Bali veggie bowls.
10pm- I can’t take the hunger anymore and heat up six soup dumplings. I feel a tad defeated but at the same time recognize if I spend the bulk of my day thinking of food, this might not be the right diet for me.
9am- I feel exhausted and eat some melon before clocking in for work. Maybe I’m not consuming enough calories on IF?
12:30pm- After morning meeting and chatting about feedback, I take the rest of the day off. Being in the creative field is incredibly fun and rewarding, but is also a stressful and fast pace job with your work being judge constantly. It leaves me little energy for my personal art and on difficult days, I ponder if I should’ve gone into pharmacy or something else, and leave art for my hobby.
1 pm- J., the pup and. I walk to TJs and we pick up maple +sea salt popcorn, cinnamon bun cookies, tomato spread, maple oat milk, another jar of maple butter ( it’s so good!), a baguette, herb goat cheese and truffle pecorino. ($22) Once we’re back at home, I make a plate of sliced baguette with herb goat cheese and truffle pecorino cheese and eat it in bed. (please don’t judge me) I spend the rest of the afternoon reading manga a friend recommended.
6:30 pm- I’m craving fish tacos but there’s leftovers in the fridge so we work on that instead. The pup gets a boiled egg along with his kibble, bunny some greens and a slice of carrot.
8pm- I take the pup for his evening walk and once we’re back, it’s time for his weekly bath. As soon as he hears the bath faucet turn on and sees me walking towards him, tail immediately droops down, its comical! Once the dreaded bath over and he’s mostly dry, I offer him an apology greenie treat.
9pm- I fold clean laundry that have been piling up all week and then apply a face mask on (mahalo’s petal mask, it smells amazing but is also ridiculously expensive) down the youtube and reddit rabbithole I go for the rest of the night.
8am- Wake up and hear the pup snoring extra loud.. stifling my laugh, I grab my phone to record it.
8:30pm- I’m up and about cleaning the kitchen, tidying up the living room and swiffering the bathrooms to keep myself busy and not think about breakfast. We’re meeting up with my friend, O. and her bf for farmer’s market then ayce korean bbq lunch (it’ll be our 2nd time eating out since march)
10pm- I stop by TJs pick up maple oat milk and cinnamon spread for O. who can’t find it at her local Tjs and drop off the pup at my parents. We arrive at the farmers market but O. isn’t comfortable going in because it looks crowded from where we’re parked. J. and I walk closer and we realize the crowd is due to a pop up thrift clothes sales in front of the farmers market, once pass it, the farmers market is actually pretty empty and doing a good job social distancing but O. and her bf are already on their way to the kbbq restaurant, so I grab my favorite hummus/dips (3/ $13) and we rush over to meet them. Since its only 11:30, we get the entire outdoor patio to ourselves! We fill up on brisket, bulgogi, pork belly, salad and all the works and it feels a little surreal especially after not dining out for so long. (J. pays) It’s especially good to see our friends. We then walk over to Vons so my friend can pick up some soda and drive over to Tokyo Central for groceries (sweet potatoes, onion, kiwi, alove yogurt and earl grey cheesecake). ($21) Head home and have a bite of matcha ice cream and the earl grey cheesecake.
4 pm- I’m still so full but drag myself off the couch to do an hour of barre and yoga with my friends via Zoom, I feel much better afterwards and hit the showers.
7pm- Make the same plate of baguette and cheese and snack on it. We’re feeling a movie tonight so J. sets up Knives Out on the tv while I keep going with this food decadent day make volcano spicy ramen topped with corn and mayo as well as a cup of coffee because I feel like passing out. The movie is so entertaining, I love these kinds of comical, stylized murder mysteries.
7:30am- I wake up still feeling all the food from the night before so I check the AQI, (it reads moderate) and go out for a long walk. Weather is so cool and feels like fall! I pass by this one house where I always hear the indoor bike running, I’m very impressed by that person’s dedication.
8:30am- Once home, I crack open all the windows for the first time in a week and a half. I play with my bun and let her run around while folding kitchen towels (these are great for cutting down paper towel usage).
10am- I read the newest money diaries (database developer in Kansas) and I’m so impressed by her work ethic, vegan cooking skills, how much she lives below her means and general togetherness. I reflect on my own questionable habits but try hard not to shame myself as it does me no good.
11am- J. wakes up and we go out to run some errands. We return a few items at H&M and stop by Whole Foods for groceries to pick up harissa, which they unfortunately didn’t have. I attempt to do my weekly grocery shopping there but couldnt bring myself to do it with the prices. We get just the immediate essentials, salad mix, cucumber, carrots, some beef chuck on sale, Oatlys oat milk and VanLeeuwen earl grey ice cream. ($45)
1pm- We’re so hungry! I fry up 2 eggs and eat it with salad and TJ’s chimichurri rice, J. gets chipotle.
2 pm- Today is meal prep day! I take the beef chuck and braised half of it along with onions, carrots, celery and cremini mushrooms on stove top. I whipped up garlic mash potatoes on the side with a sprinkle of shredded cheese. It takes all day but it’s satisfying seeing raw ingredients browning and caramelizing.
4pm- Finally wrap up the the closet decluttering job I started out for 3 weeks earlier. My summer clothes have been sprawled out on the couch for so long and now it’s time to swap to fall clothes, oops.
5:30pm- Braised beef turned out delicious and the sauce/ color developed nicely overtime. J. ask the butcher for too much beef (he really loves his meat..) and I know if we don’t braise the second half today, it’s going to go to waste or forgotten in the freezer. I get to work on a different braised beef recipe with carrots, potatoes + onions and set it in the oven. I also toss brussel sprouts and cubed sweet potatoes to roast along side for DIY grain bowls.
9pm- Meal prepping turned out to be an all day albeit delicious affair. I’ve been snacking and taste testing throughout the day as I cook, no need for dinner tonight. I have 2 spoons of the earl grey ice cream I bought earlier, it’s delicious!! I'm really excited for all the food neatly packed away in the fridge, it'll be a good upcoming food week.
· I was most likely on too little calories with IF, I have a hard time eating massive meals. I also really, truly love food, I’m once again reminded restricting doesn’t work for me. J. on the other hand found it incredibly easy and plans to keep up with it.
· I’m incredibly lucky to have amazing friends who enjoy exercising, having a supportive circle who are consistent about working out keeps me motivated in ways I’ve never managed alone. Exercising has improved my energy level so much in ways caffeine, teas claiming random benefits, supplements, etc never did, it’ll always be a priority from now on!
submitted by rabbitrainbows to FitDiaries [link] [comments]

This December, Clean-Grow Cannabis Cultivator Autumn Brands Introduces a Nourishing 100% Vegan Muscle and Joint Salve That Combines Nature’s Most Potent Elements for Pain-Relief, Relaxation, and More

This December, Clean-Grow Cannabis Cultivator Autumn Brands Introduces a Nourishing 100% Vegan Muscle and Joint Salve That Combines Nature’s Most Potent Elements for Pain-Relief, Relaxation, and More

New Autumn Brands Salve delivers an infusion of 100% full-spectrum cannabis oil blended with soothing arnica and the highest amount of magnesium on the market to reduce stress and restore calm
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – (December 1st, 2020): This December, gift and experience a new nourishing salve from Autumn Brands that delivers the targeted pain relief and deep muscle relaxation of 100% full spectrum, estate-grown cannabis oil, plus the highest concentration of calming, all-natural transdermal magnesium available on the market. Known for their unwavering dedication to consumer safety and product purity, Autumn Brands transforms decades of family farming expertise into a modern, artisanal approach to sustainable cannabis cultivation. Now, the 50% woman-owned brand introduces its latest innovation: a locally-crafted salve made with potent THC and CBD oils gently extracted from their own 100% pesticide-free cannabis flower in a unique process that preserves the essential healing plant elements.
“From the beginning, our philosophy has centered on harnessing the holistic healing found in chemical-free cannabis - nature’s potent plant medicine,” explains Autumn Brands Co-Founder Autumn Shelton. “This vegan salve is purposefully crafted in small batches to provide clean, plant-to-skin nourishment exactly where it’s needed, enriched with synergistic natural elements of high-grade magnesium, arnica, and pure essential oils.”
Locally crafted in small batches by Goleta’s Green Rush Alliance, LLC, Autumn Brands Nourishing Muscle + Joint Salve delivers 400mg of HTFSE-grade (High Terpene Full Spectrum) cannabis oil (ratio 1:7 THC rich). Produced through an innovative, non-volatile cold extraction process developed by the sophisticated Italian perfume industry and only available in Santa Barbara County. This method captures the distinctive terroir and delicate attributes of each sun-grown strain in a process so gentle, it doesn’t need further refining, distilling, dewaxing, or winterization. The end result is a mirror image profile of the source plant material, including the entourage of healing phytochemicals (terpenes, esters, phenolic compounds, etc) to help rejuvenate and repair.
Anti-inflammatory CBD pairs with transdermal magnesium and soothing arnica to reduce swelling, irritation, and bruising, while THC offers targeted pain relief. Rich mineral magnesium also naturally helps to calm muscles, relieving stress for an improved sense of calm and rest. A special selection of cocoa butter, coconut, and castor oil soothes and rejuvenates skin. A proprietary blend of essential oils from Carpinteria’s The Grapeseed Company offers a light and refreshing scent to uplift and provide aroma therapeutic benefits.
Discover Autumn Brands Nourishing Muscle + Joint Salve, a luxurious healing balm made from clean, 100% full-spectrum cannabis oil, potent magnesium, and soothing arnica, available this December at Visit the company’s website to locate the nearest participating dispensaries and delivery services and browse a full selection of premium flower and pre-rolls. Follow @AutumnBrands on Instagram for the latest product releases and updates.
# # #
About Autumn Brands:
Autumn Brands is a licensed California cannabis cultivator dedicated to the synergy of health and wellness. The Autumn Brands’ family farm started in Holland more than a century ago, and today, sixth-generation farmers apply the same expertise garnered in growing the world’s finest tulips to producing pure and potent strains of cannabis in sunny, coastal Santa Barbara County. Autumn Brands is proud to be 50 percent woman-owned, united by the vision of two families, free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. For more information, visit or email [email protected].
submitted by Anderson4pr to u/Anderson4pr [link] [comments]

The 20 Best Vegan Chocolate Bars Of 2020

The 20 Best Vegan Chocolate Bars Of 2020
As far as I'm concerned, chocolate is a daily essential. It's perfect as a snack, for dessert, or as an easy mix-in for overnight oats. And, luckily, thanks to all the vegan-friendly chocolate brands popping up lately, finding a bar sans dairy (or other animal-based ingredients, like whey) is easier than ever.
Your standard vegan chocolate bar is made from simple ingredients like cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar, and vanilla, says nutritionist Marisa Moore, RDN. While omitting animal-based ingredients isn't necessarily better for you, it makes conquering cravings possible for those with dairy allergies (or lactose intolerance) or who avoid animal products. Plus, many of these bars ~do~ get a slight nutritional boost from fun toppings and fillings like nuts, coconut, fruit, and spices like chili pepper or cinnamon.
If you really want your bar to be a health superhero in addition to a delicious treat, look for the highest available cocoa percentage, Moore says. (You'll find it called out on the front of most bars. Yep, that's what that 72% number means. ) While anything greater than 70% cocoa is high enough in the good stuff to be considered dark chocolate, know that the higher that percentage is, the more bitter your chocolate bar will be, explains Moore. So, just how high you go really depends on your taste buds.
"Though it depends a lot on how the cocoa is processed, generally speaking, the higher cacao percentage, the higher the flavonoid [antioxidant] content," she says. "And those flavonoids might benefit your heart. " (Research suggests they do so by promoting nitric oxide production, which supports healthy blood pressure and circulation. )
Whether you're looking to add some more antioxidants to your day or just craving something sweet, these highly-rated vegan chocolate bars are sure to satisfy.
1) For a satisfying crunch and heart-healthy fats, look no further than Hu's most popular chocolate bar on Amazon, which features dry-roasted almonds and crisp pops of organic puffed quinoa for serious Nestle Crunch energy.
Per serving: 170 calories, 13 g fat (6 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 13 g carbs, 8 g sugar, 1 g fiber, 3 g protein
2) This brand prides themselves on their allergen-free goodies, from truffles to fruit gems. Their vegan chocolate bars (which are made with cane sugar and cocoa butter) are so creamy you'll never miss the dairy.
Per serving: 210 calories, 14 g fat (9 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 24 g carbs, 20 g sugar, 0 g fiber, 2 g protein
3) Genmaicha green tea is steeped in cocoa butter and then fused with single-origin 66% Dominican cacao and crispy quinoa. It's the antioxidant-rich snack you never knew you needed.
Per serving: 133 calories, 8 g fat (5 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 13 g carbs, 10 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 2 g protein
4) EVOLVED's paleo and vegan chocolates are made with ethically-sourced cacao and are USDA organic, so you know you're getting the good stuff.
Per serving: 150 calories, 11 g fat (5 g saturated), 10 mg sodium, 13 g carbs, 8 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 3 g protein
5) There's no combination quite like chocolate, almonds, and sea salt. The best part? There's under a gram of sugar in this bar, making it ideal for keto dieters and vegans alike.
Per serving: 150 calories, 13 g fat (7 g saturated), 30 mg sodium, 5 g carbs, 0 g sugar, 4 g fiber, 4 g protein
6) Blue Stripes is all about honoring cacao's many health benefits, and their boldy-flavored vegan dark chocolate bar let's you know exactly what you'll be getting in every bite: antioxidants, magnesium, and other helpful compounds purported to support energy.
Per serving: 90 calories, 6 g fat ( g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 7 g carbs, 4 g sugar, 2 g fiber, 1 g protein
7) Sweetened with coconut palm sugar and made with 55% cacao, this bar is light and sweet; perfect for all you Hershey lovers out there.
Per serving: 180 calories, 13 g fat (9 g saturated), 20 mg sodium, 14 g carbs, 10 g sugar, 2 g fiber, 2 g protein
8) Free from pretty much every major allergen in the game, like soy, wheat, and dairy, Enjoy Life's chocolate bars are a yummy way to get your cocoa fix, vegan-style.
Per serving: 160 calories, 12 g fat (7 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 17 g carbs, 13 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 2 g protein
9) If it's from Trader Joe's, you know it's going to be mind-blowingly tasty-and these bars are no exception. Oh, and they also happen to be the highest in fiber on the list.
Per serving: 290 calories, 18 g fat (12 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 29 g carbs, 21 g sugar, 4 g fiber, 3 g protein
10) This bar is organic, fair trade, and vegan (unlike many of the brand's other offerings). The addition of candied ginger provides a nice spicy zing.
Per serving: 160 calories, 10 g fat (5 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 16 g carbs, 10 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 2 g protein11 of 20The blend of nutty, salty, and sweet flavors makes this 55% cocoa vegan chocolate bar a total winner if you're craving something a little extra in the flavor department.
Per serving: 160 calories, 12 g fat (5 g saturated), 40 mg sodium, 15 g carbs, 11 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 2 g protein
12) This pick's a bit of a wildcard, but I couldn't not spotlight the fact that, yes, Justin's PB cups ARE, in fact, vegan. I mean, who doesn't like their chocolate with a side of creamy, peanuty goodness?
Per serving: 220 calories, 14 g fat (7 g saturated), 120 mg sodium, 20 g carbs, 16 g sugar, 1 g fiber, 4 g protein
13) Made with rich, creamy organic hazelnut paste and ~whole~ hazelnuts, this vegan, organic, fair trade-certified dark chocolate bar is bound to satisfy your Nutella cravings.
Per serving: 190 calories, 13 g fat ( g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 15 g carbs, 13 g sugar, 2 g fiber, 3 g protein
14) With just three grams of sugar and made of 90% cocoa, this is one of the darkest vegan chocolate bars you can dig your chompers into. It's intense and deliciously decadent.
Per serving: 200 calories, 18 g fat (11 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 8 g carbs, 3 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 2 g protein
15) A bit of blood orange oil in this stevia-sweetened chocolate bar provides a bright surprise that complements the rich 70% cocoa flavor.
Per serving: 180 calories, 16 g fat (10 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 8 g carbs, 3 g sugar, 3 g fiber, 2 g protein
16) Boasting 88% cocoa and a subtle fruity and spicy flavor, this brand donates net profits to wildlife conservation efforts, including organizations like The National Forest Foundation.
Per serving: 180 calories, 13 g fat (8 g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 11 g carbs, 3 g sugar, 4 g fiber, 3 g protein
17) This one's got it all: It's made with 78% cocoa, super low-cal, sweetened with keto-friendly stevia and erythritol, and tastes like a dream.
Per serving: 35 calories, 4 g fat (2 g saturated), 1 mg sodium, 5 g carbs, 18 g sugar, 2 g fiber, 1 g protein
18) If you're looking to gift a loved one (or yourself!) a box of vegan chocolates, this one is made with fancy-sounding ingredients like fair trade, organic raw madhava agave nectar, Dutch cocoa butter, and Belgian cocoa solids.
Per serving: 97 calories, 7 g fat (5 g saturated), 1 mg sodium, 8 g carbs, 8 g sugar, 0 g fiber, 1 g protein
19) Taza's cacao is stone-ground and minimally processed. Don't worry, though, it's just sweet enough to taste like a treat.
Per serving: 210 calories, 14 g fat (10 g saturated), o mg sodium, 14 g carbs, 2 g sugar, 8 g fiber, 5 g protein
20) If you like your chocolate with a side of coconut, one of these vegan bars from UNREAL contains 86 percent less sugar than a Mounds bar. They're made with just dark chocolate, organic coconut and organic cassava syrup.
Per serving: 70 calories, 5 g fat ( g saturated), 0 mg sodium, 8 g carbs, 3 g sugar, 1 g fiber, 1 g protein
submitted by yellowumbrella to HealthyZapper [link] [comments]

Ingredient Spotlight: Frappuccino Chips

I thought it would be fun to look up an ingredient, and using publicly sourced, company-released, and freely available information, break down the ingredients in it and give it a closer look. A lot of these ingredients could be spotlights of their own, so I kept the information about them brief, and pertinent to our main ingredient.
I've done some light research about this and included my sources. If any of this is not correct or off-the-mark, please let me know and I'll edit this post to reflect that. Also, feel free to share any additional information you may have! I'd be happy to add that as well.
Edit: Thank you to the users of this subreddit for their feedback and recipe corrections for this post!
Name: Frappuccino Chips
Frap chips are designed to be quickly broken down in cold beverages without jamming the blender -- or jamming straws with large chunks of unblended product. Additionally, the smaller particles of confectionery melt more quickly on the tongue, producing a rich chocolate flavor.
Frap chips contain cookie crumbs for texture and flavor, which means any item these appear in will not be gluten conscious. Products at Starbucks won't be gluten free, as they are prepared using shared equipment.
Used in: Java Chip, Double Chocolaty Chip, Mocha Cookie Crumble (and their creme-based variants).
Manufactured by: Brown and Haley in Washington, USA. Yup, the same company that makes Almond Roca.
Ingredients: Confectionery Coating (Sugar, Palm Kernel And Palm Oils, Cocoa Processed With Alkali, Soy Lecithin, Vanilla, Milk) Cookie Crumbs (Unbleached Unenriched Wheat Flour, Sugar, Palm And Palm Kernel Oil, Cocoa Processed With Alkali, Chocolate Mass, Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate, Soy Lecithin, Natural Flavor), Chocolate Mass, Salt.
Palm oil: Semi-solid at room temperature. However, its melting point is 95°F Palm kernel oil is different as it is extracted from the seed of the palm fruit; it has different health benefits (high in Vitamin A, but 48.2% saturated fat). Frap chips contain both oils. It is an inexpensive fat used to replace the cocoa butter, classifying frap chips as a "confectionery coating," which is not considered true chocolate by definition.
Sugar: Sugar usually comes from two primary sources -- cane and sugar beet. Sugar beet is less expensive to grow, harvest, and produce, so with some healthy professional conjecture, I would say these contain sugar from sugar beets. The FDA does not require a source for pure sugar, only that it meets basic guidelines for composition and wholesomeness.
Cocoa: The seeds from the cacao plant are dried and processed with alkali -- a base solution that causes the color to darken and flavor to deepen. This is an important thing to note since some recipes depend on the acidity of chocolate for other ingredients (like baking soda) to react ("dutched" cocoa). In this case we're just after the deeper flavor and color profile for these confectionery chips.
Soy lecithin: this is an emulsifier that allows the sugar, milk, and cocoa solids to "stick" to the fat molecules of the palm oil. Without this, the ingredients would separate and we would get pretty funky chips.
Vanilla: This was the surprising ingredient -- real vanilla! Vanilla is expensive because it takes four years for vanilla orchid pods to grow and be processed into our wrinkly brown pod friends with their rich, familiar flavor. However, there probably is not much vanilla flavoring present here -- it's meant to play against the background of the chocolate-forward flavors, kind of like the reason we put vanilla syrup in hot chocolate.
Milk: Water and fat are both removed from the cows' milk, leaving behind milk solids -- a tasty mix of lactose sugars, casein, whey protein, and minerals. Moo!
Sources and further reading:
Frap chip ingredients from official site
Brown and Haley
Cocoa powder
Palm Oil
Soy lecithin
Milk solids
submitted by Silvawuff to starbucks [link] [comments]

Some stats on how the silent e rule is so inconsistent!

Long and short a, e, i, o, u
Doubled consonants are supposed to show when the letters a, e, i, o, u in words of more than one syllable have a short sound, as in matter, hemmed, hidden, dotty, tubby, rather than long, as in mate, theme, hide, dote, tube. When followed by just one consonant, or several consonants and a vowel, a, e, i, o, u are meant to be 'closed' , with a short sound, as in: am, ample; ten, tender; pin, pinked; pond ponder; bun bunker.
When followed by a single consonant and a vowel, they are ‘open’ and meant to be long; male, halo; peter, period; fine, final; sole, solo; tube, tubular'.
If a stressed short vowel before a single consonant and another vowel is to be short, or is to stay short, it should be followed by a doubled consonant: allergy, petty, Finnish, dolly, butter.
Schoolchildren spend much time learning to apply this rule when adding suffixes to short words: cut + er → cutter, prefer + ed → preferred; but: cute + er→ cuter, enter +ed → entered.
Sadly, at least 1,700 words of more than one syllable disobey the ‘closed /short' - 'open / long’ vowel system in 5 ways: 1. At least 567 common words fail to double the consonant after a short, stressed vowel, e.g. 'habit, very, similar, body, study'. 2. 219 words have needlessly doubled consonants after unstressed vowels, e.g. 'account, terrific, immense, occur, hurrah', undermining their regular use, as in: accurate, terror, simmer, occupy, hurry. 3. Nearly 200 words end with a surplus –e: (give, promise – cf.spiv drive; surprise tennis). 4. Around 200 words have irregular spellings for a, e, i, o and u (plait, bread, pretty, cough, touch), sometimes with missing doubled consonants as well (many, women, sausage, money). 5. At least 665 words do not use the long vowel method, of 'male, mere, mile, mole, mule': 87 for long a (late - wait, straight, eight), 373 long e (eke – seek, speak, shriek) - [e-e is used just in 86 words], 79 long i (while - style, whilst, island, height), 100 long o (mole – bowl, roll, soul), 26 long u (use - youth, juice, feud, lewd, beauty, Tuesday). All common words affected by the five irregularities are shown below in the following order: 1) Omitted consonant doubling; 2) Needless consonant doubling; 3) Surplus -e endings; 4) Exceptions to a, e, i, o, u; 5) Exceptions to a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e and 459 unpredictable spellings for the /ee/ sound. The exceptions dilute the English 'long/short' system so much that hundreds of spellings simply have to be learned word by word, instead of being spelt systematically, like 'pal, pale, pallid'. They were made irregular mainly with careless changes to the original English spelling system and are now most responsible for making learning to write English exceptionally difficult and time-consuming. Most of them cause reading difficulties as well, not just spelling ones: e.g. hide, hidden – hideous; arrow - arrive (cf. arise); save - have; ouch - touch. --------------------------------------------------------------
1) Words of more than one syllable without doubled consonants after their short, stressed vowel (which undermine the 500+ words with doubling, e.g. cabbage, chicken, adder...). (Only one-syllable words lengthened with suffixes have systematic consonant doubling: e.g. beg – begged, beggar, begging; fat – fatten, fatty).
Cabaret, cabin, cabinet, distribute, elaborate(X2), fabulous, habit, inhabit, liberal, liberty, nebula, probable, prohibit, rebel(noun), robin, tribute.
Articulate, binoculars, crocodile, decade, decorate, document, executive, faculty, placard, recognise, record(n), ridiculous, second(n), secondary, secular, vacuum, vicar. Accurate, broccoli, hiccough, hiccup, occupy, piccolo, soccer, succulent, tobacco. Echo, mechanism. Chequered, lacquer, liquor, liquorice.
Academy, adequate, body, credit, deciduous, edible, edit, educate, federal, graduate(X2), hideous, idiot, madam, medal, medical, moderate(X2), modern, modest, pedal, pedigree, produce(n), product, radical, radish, ridicule, shadow, study, video, widow.
Café, certificate, magnificent, Pacific, profit, reference, refuge, refuse (n), significant, specific,
agony, brigand, dragon, flagon, frigate, hexagonal, jaguar, negative, regular, sugar, vigorous, wagon,
Ability, abolish, analysis, apologise, astrology, balance, bilious, calendar, celebrate, celery, chalet, civilian, colony, column, delegate(X2), deliberate(X2), delicacy, deluge, demolish, develop, element, elephant, eligible, expel, facilities, felon, galaxy, helicopter, holiday, invalid(adj), italic, knowledge, lapel, lily, melody, melon, metropolitan, military, morality, motel, olive, palace, palate, pelican, policy, polish, politics, polythene, probability, qualify, quality, reality, relative, relevant, relic, salad, salary, salmon, salon, skeleton, solemn, solid, solitary, talent, talon, telescope, theology, tolerate, valentine, valiant, valid, value, ventriloquist, vitality, volume, voluntary.
Abominable, academic, amateur, atomic, barometer, calamity, camera, camouflage, cemetery, chemical, chemistry, comedy, comet, comic, criminal, damage, democrat, dominate, domino, dynamic, economic, eliminate, emerald, emigrate, epidemic, family, famished, feminine, glamour, image, kilometre, laminate(x2), lemon, limit, memorise, memory, plumber, preliminary, premier, premise, primitive, prominent, promise, remedy, semi, similar, simile, thermometer, timid, vomit.
Aluminium, animal, anonymous, anorak, astonish, astronomy, banish, banister, benefit, canopy, cinema, clinical, conifer, continue, degenerate(x2), economy, electronic, enemy, energy, finish, granary, honest, honour, January, lieutenant, linear, manage, manor, manual, manuscript, menace, menu, mineral, minimal, minimum, minister, minute(n), monarch, monastery, monitor, monument, opinion, organic, panic, penalty, penetrate, planet, punish, senate, sinister, spaniel, spinach, strenuous, supersonic, tenor, tonic, vanish, venison, vinegar.
Capita, capital, capitol, copy, deputy, dilapidated, epic, episode, leper, opera, operate, popular, proper, property, rapid, separate(x2), tapestry, tepid, topic, tropics.
America, Arab, arable, arid, asparagus, authority, baron, beret, caramel, caravan, caricature, carol, ceremony, chariot, charity, cherish, clarity, comparative, comparison, conspiracy, coral, derelict, empirical, experiment, florist, foreign, forest, garage(UK), herald, heritage, heroin/, heroine, heron, historic, horoscope, inherent, inherited, majority, merit, minority, miracle, moral, necessarily, numerical, orange, origin, parasol, parish, peril, periscope, perish, popularity, primarily, priority, quarantine, sheriff, sincerity, spirit, sterilise, therapist, transparent, very.
Acid, adolescent, anticipated, capacity, decimal, discipline, electricity, explicit, fascinate, glacier(UK), municipal, oscillate, pacifist, participate, precipice, prosecute, publicity, recipe, simplicity, solicitor, specify, specimen, velocity; glisten, listen; convalescent, crescent.
Gratitude, aquatic, athletic, atom, baton, botany, British, catalogue, catapult, category, citizen, city, compatible, competitive, critic, critical, dedicate, diplomatic, lateral, latitude, literal, literary, magnetic, mathematics, metal, monotonous, obliterate, pathetic, petal, pity, platinum, platypus, poetic, political, satin, saturate, Saturday, Saturn, static, strategy, tetanus, veteran, yeti.
Avenue, average, cavalry, cavern, cavity, civic, civil, clever, controversy, crevice, deliver, devil, driven, eleven, equivalent, ever, evidence, given, gravity, havoc, hover, javelin, lavender, navigate, never, novice, poverty, privilege, proverb, providence, quiver, ravenous, reverend, river, rivet, savage, scavenge, seven, shiver.
Hazard, lizard, lozenge, wizard, wizened; deposit, closet, desert, designate(x2), desolate(x2), hesitate, miserable, positive, presence, present, president, prison, resident, risen, visible, visit; scissors.
56 words have irregularly spelt short vowels and missing doubled consonants:
Any, berry/bury, burial, endeavour, heaven, heavy, heifer, jealous, jeopardy, leopard, many, meadow, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, ready (already), steady, threaten, weapon, zealous,
busy, chrysalis, cylinder, cynical, lyric, physical, physics, synagogue, synonym, syrup, typical, tyranny, women,
colour, courage, cousin, covenant, cover, covet, covey, dozen, govern, honey, monetary, money, nourish, onion, oven, shovel, slovenly, somersault, stomach, thorough. Sausage. Courier.
2) Words with needlessly doubled consonants (i.e. not after a stressed short vowel; the stressed syllable is underlined). - Compare: abridge, acute, adrenalin, afar, alone...
Accompany, accomplish, accord, accordance, accordion, account, accrue, accumulate, accuse, accustom.
Address(uk). Affair, affect, affection, affectionate, affluent, afford, chauffeur, differential, diffusion, effect, efficient, effluent, effusive, giraffe, graffiti, offence, offend, offensive, official, officious, paraffin, sheriff, sufficient. Aggravate, aggressive, suggest.
Alliance, allotment, allow, allowance, allowed/aloud, ballistic, balloon, caterpillar, collage, collapse, collect, collection, collide, constellation, controlled, excellent, hello, illegal, illegible, illiterate, illuminate, illusion, illustration, installation, intellectual, jewellery, llama, marvellous, parallel, pastille, roller, satellite, swollen, tonsillitis, traveller(UK), virtually, wholly, woollen.
Accommodation, ammunition, command, commemorate, commence, commercial, commission, commit, commodities, commotion, communication, communion, community, commuter, immaculate, immediate, immense, immersion, immortal, immune, programme, programmer, recommend.
Anniversary, announce, annoy, annul, connect, Finn/fin, inn, mayonnaise, personnel, questionnaire, tyranny.
Appal, apparatus, apparent, appendix, applaud, applause, appliance, apply, appoint, appreciate, apprehensive, apprentice, approach, appropriate(x2), approve, approximate(x2), hippopotamus, opportunity, oppose, sapphire, supply, support, suppose.
Arrange, array, arrest, arrive, barricade, correct, correlation, correspond, curriculum, erratic, hurrah, interrupt, irregular, irrigation, occurrence, serrated, surrender, surreptitious, surround, terrific, torrential, verruca.
Assail, assassin, assassinate, assault, assemble, assert, assessment, assessor, assign, assist, assistant, associate(x2), assort, assume, cassette, dessert, embassy, essential, lasso, moose/mousse, necessarily, necessary, possess, possessive, possibility.
Attach, attack, attain, attempt, attend, attention, attorney, attract, attributed, battalion, cigarette, mattress, omelette, palette, silhouette.
3) Words with surplus –e endings which obscure the vowel-lengthening function of –e in words like 'define, bone, care, endure, advise, inflate, ignite, drive, save, survive'.
Destine, determine, discipline, doctrine, examine, engine, famine, feminine, genuine, heroine, imagine, iodine, intestine, jasmine, masculine, medicine, urine,
gone, shone. Are, (cf. care, endure, mature). Conjure, exposure, failure, figure, fissure, injure, measure, pleasure, pressure, procedure, treasure. Adventure, agriculture, architecture, capture, caricature, creature, culture, departure, expenditure, feature, fracture, furniture, future, gesture, lecture, legislature, literature, manufacture, miniature, mixture, nature, picture, puncture, scripture, signature, structure, temperature, torture, venture, vulture. Purchase, premise, promise, purpose. (cf. atlas, devise, propose). Accurate, adequate, affectionate, candidate, chocolate, climate, considerate, corporate, delicate, desperate, extortionate, fortunate, frigate, illiterate, immaculate, immediate, intermediate, intricate, laureate, legitimate, obstinate, palate, passionate, pirate, private, proportionate, senate, Composite, Definite, exquisite, favourite, granite, infinite, opposite. In 25 words the –ate endings are used for two different words (to deliberate a deliberate act). Advocate, alternate, appropriate, approximate, articulate, associate, certificate, co-ordinate, degenerate, delegate, deliberate, designate, desolate, dictate, duplicate, elaborate, estimate, graduate, intimate, laminate, moderate, separate, subordinate, syndicate, triplicate (cf. inflate, dilate, obliterate). Give, forgive, have, live (cf. drive, save, alive), abrasive, abusive, adhesive, aggressive, apprehensive, comprehensive, compulsive, conclusive, creative, cursive, decisive, defensive, depressive, derisive, detective, dismissive, divisive, effusive, elusive, evasive, excessive, exclusive, expensive, explosive, expressive, extensive, fugitive, impressive, impulsive, incisive, inclusive, initiative, intensive, invasive, massive, motive, narrative, objective, obtrusive, offensive, oppressive, passive, pensive, permissive, perspective, persuasive, possessive, productive, progressive, prospective, radioactive, repulsive, respective, responsive, selective, sensitive, subjective, submissive, subversive, successive.
4) Words with irregular spellings for short /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/ and - (Letters in red are redundant.)
A - (bad, cat, rang, chav) - plaid, plait, meringue, have.
E - (bed, bend) – but : Bread/bred, breadth, breast, breath, dead, deaf, dealt, death, dread, dreamt, head, health, lead(x2), leant, leapt, meant, read(x2), ream, spread, sweat, thread, threat, wealth. Breakfast, cleanliness, cleanse, endeavour, feather, heather, heaven, heavy, instead, leather, measure, stealthy, treacherous, treadmill, treasure, weather. Friend, every, said, says, Wednesday.
Some lack doubled consonants as well (c.f. jelly, teddy, penny): Berry/bury. Any, many. Jeopardy, leopard. Heifer. Jealous, meadow, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, ready, (already), steady, weapon, zealous.
Different in US and UK: Leisure, lieutenant [leesure/lesure, lutennant/leftennant].
I – (in, it, sit ) - except: Build, built, busy, English, pretty, sieve, vineyard, women. Abyss, crypt, crystal, cyclical, cygnet, cymbals, cyst, eucalyptus, gym, hymn, hypnotise, lynch, lynx, mystery, myth, Olympics, rhythm, syllable, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, symptom, synchronise, syndicate, syndrome, synthesis, system. Without doubled consonants as well (unlike ‘syllable’ and ‘symmetry’): Chrysalis, cylinder, cynical, lyric, physics, synagogue, synonym, syrup, typical, tyranny.
O – (on hot spot) – irregular mainly just after w and qu: Swallow, swamp, swan, swap, waft, wand, wander, want/wont, wanton, warrant, warren, warrior, was, wash, wasp, watch, watt, wattle, what. Quality, quadrangle, quantity, quarantine, quarry, squabble, squad, squander, squash, squat. + Cough, trough; laurel, sausage.
U – (up, under) - Next to m, n , v and w, the short sound is often spelt o or o-e.
(* quite often without doubled consonants too, e.g. money– cf. funny).
Among, Monday, money, monger, mongrel, monk, monkey, month, mother, smother. Comfort, company, compass, pommel/pummel, stomach. Come, some/sum. Front, son, ton/tonne , tongue, sponge. Done, none/nun, nothing. Honey, onion. Above, cover, covet, covey, covenant, dove, glove, govern, love, oven, shove, shovel, slovenly.
Won/ one, wonder, worry. Once. Country, nourish, young. Enough. Not next to m, n or v: Double, couple, trouble. Rough, slough(x2), tough. Brother, colour, courage, cousin, dozen, does, hiccough/hiccup, other, Southern, thorough*, touch. Blood, flood.
5) Words with irregular spellings for a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, followed by e-e (because e-e is no longer the main spelling for the /ee/ sound, as it used to be until the 15th century).
A-e (late, tale) Ale/ail, bale/bail, male/mail, pale/pail, sale/sail, tale/tail, whale/wail, assail, cocktail, detail, fail, hail, jail, nail, prevail, rail, retail, snail, trail, Main/mane, pain/pane, plain/plane, rain/reins(reindeer)/reign, vain/vein, Abstain, brain, chain... (in 31 words) Skein; deign, feign; campaign; champagne. Crane, lane, sane, membrane. Made/maid, aid, braid, laid, paid, raid, afraid. Brake/break, stake/steak. Aim, claim, exclaim, maim, proclaim. Place/plaice. Haste, paste, taste, waste/waist; Daisy, praise, raise, raisin. Traitor, waiter. Ate/eight, bate/bait, grate/great, straight/straits, wait/weight. Fête, freight. Faith. Halfpenny, neighbour. Able, cable, cradle, fable, gable, ladle, sabre, stable, table – (cf. label).
I-e - (ice) - except: I /eye/aye/ay, bite/bight(bay), knight/night, lite/light, mite/might, rite/right/write,
slight/sleight(trick), sight/site/cite. Alight, blight, bright, delight, fight, flight, fright, frighten, lightning, mighty, tight. Height; indict. Behind, bind, blind, find, grind, hind, kind, mind, ninth, pint, rind, wind (x2); Bible (cf. libel), bridle, disciple, idle, rifle, stifle, trifle. Child, mild (cf. children, mildew), wild, whilst; island; climb. Eider-down, Fahrenheit, kaleidoscope. Either, neither (UK pronunciation). Choir. Resign, sign. Tire/tyre, asylum, cycle, cypress, dyke, dynamic, dynamite, dynamo, hyacinth, hydrangea, hydrogen, hyena, hygrometer, hypothesis, nylon, paralyse, psychology, pylon, python, rhyme, scythe, style, thyroid, type, tyrant.
O - e, -o - (open, so) – quite regular in more recently imported words: Alcove, associated, chrome... video, volcano, zero. Except: Bungalow. Cocoa. Oboe. Pharaoh. Depot.
In older English words, the o-e/-o sound is spelt very unpredictably:
Approach, boast, boat, broach/brooch, cloak, coach, coal, coast, coat, coax, cockroach, croak, float, foal, foam, gloat, goal, goat, groan, load, loaf, loan, loathe, moan, oaf, oak, oath, oats, poach, road, roam, roast, shoal, soak, soap, stoat, throat, toad, toast.
Bold, cold, fold, gold, hold, old, scold, sold, solder, soldier, told. Folk, yoke/yolk. Holster.
Bolt, colt, dolt, jolt, revolt. Mould, moult, sole/soul, shoulder, smoulder.
Knoll, pole/poll, role/ roll, scroll, stroll, toll, troll, swollen, holy/ wholly. Control, enrol, patrol.
Host, most, post, postal, poster. Both, gross, noble, only, sloth. Goes. Mauve. Blown, bowl, grown, growth, known, mown, own, shown, sown/sewn, thrown, rowan. Blow, bow(x2), crow, flow, glow, grow, know, low, mow, row(x2), show, slow, snow, sow(x2), stow, throw, tow. Arrow, barrow, bellow, below, billow, burrow, elbow, fellow, follow, gallows, hollow, marrow, narrow, pillow, shadow, shallow, swallow, sorrow, sparrow, tomorrow, wallow, widow, willow, window, yellow.
Doe, floe, foe, hoe, roe, sloe, toe, woe. Oh/owe. So/sew. Dough, though. Ago, also, fro, go, hello, no. Alone, arose, bone, bony, broke, choke, chose, chosen, close, clothes, clover, code, cone, cope, cove, dole, dome, dose, doze, drone, drove, froze, frozen, grocer, grope, hole, holy, home, hope, hose, joke, lone, mole, nose, open, over, poke, pony, pope, primrose, rode, rope, rose, scope, slope, smoke, spoke, stoke, stole, stolen, stone, strode, stroke, tadpole, throne, tone, whole, woke, wove, wrote, yodel.
U - e, -ue – (use, tuba; cue, due) – In the stem of words, few exceptions: you/ewe/yew, Eucalyptus, ewer, youth. Feud, feudal, neutral, pneumatic, pseudo, rheumatism. Lewd, newt, pewter, sewage, jewel, steward. Juice, nuisance, suicide, suitable, suitcase. Beauty. Nuclear. Tuesday.
In endings unpredictable: Cue/queue, due/dew, sue. Argue, avenue, barbecue, continue, imbue, issue, pursue, rescue, revenue, statue, subdue, tissue, value, devalue, venue, virtue. Chew, few, Jew, knew, new, pew, spew, stew, askew, curfew, curlew, mildew, nephew. View, interview, review. Emu, menu.
E - e / ea / ee ... – (deed, lead, concede, siege, conceive, police, people, key, ski ...) The spellings of the /ee/ sound were made unpredictable mainly in the 15th C, when court scribes were obliged to switch from French to English. They changed most e-e spellings (like Chaucer's 'seke, speke, shreke, beleve') to the many different ones we still use now. Johnson's dictionary of 1755 made them even worse by giving 48 words 2 spellings: Bee/be, beech/beach, been/bean, beet/beat, breech/breach, cheep/cheap, creek/creak, deedear, discreet/discrete, eerie/eyrie, eve/eaves, feet/feat, flee/flea, freeze/frieze, jeans/genes, Greece/grease, heel/heal, heahere, key/quay, leech/leach, leek/leak, meet/meat, need/knead, pee/pea, peace/piece, peek/peak, peel/peal, peepier, reed/readx2[reed/red], reek/wreak, reel/real, sealing/ceiling, seamen/semen, see/sea, seem/seam, seen/scene, serial/cereal, sheeshear, sheikh/chic, steel/steal, sweet/suite, tee/tea, teem/team, wee/we, week/weak, wheel/weal. In UK also: geezegeyser, leavelever.
Open e : Adhesive, arena, cafeteria, cedar, chameleon, Chinese, comedian, compete, complete, concrete, convene, convenient, decent, demon, equal, era, even, evil, experience, exterior, extreme, female, fever, frequent, genie, genius, hero, hyena, imperial, inferior, ingredient, intermediate, legal, legion, lenient, material, medium, mere, meteor, meter, millipede, mysterious, obedient, period, peter, polythene, precede, previous, query, recent, recess, region, relay, scheme, sequence, sequin, series, serious, serum, species, sphere, stampede, strategic, superior, supreme, swede, tedious, theme, theory, these, torpedo, trapeze, vehicle, Venus, zero. He, me, she. Beef, beer, beetle, between, bleed, bleep, breed, breeze, career, cheek, cheer, cheese, cheetah, creep, deed, deep, eel, exceed, feeble, feed, feel, fleece, fleet, geese, greed, green, greet, indeed, jeep, jeer, keel, keen, keep, kneel, meek, needle, peep, pioneer, preen, proceed, proceedings, proceeds, queen, queer, reef, screech, screen, seed, seek, seep, seesaw, sheep, sheet, sleek, sleep, sleet, sleeve, smithereens, sneer, sneeze, speech, speed, squeeze, steep, steeple, steer, street, succeed, sweep, sweet, teeth, teetotal, thirteen, tweed, tweezers, weed, weep, wheedle, wheeze, wildebeest. Appeal, beacon, bead, beak, beam, beard, beast, beaver, beneath, bleach, bleak, bleat, breathe, cease, cheat, clean, clear, colleague, conceal, congeal, cream, crease, creature, deal, dean, decrease, defeat, disease, dream, dreary, each, eager, eagle, ear, ease, east, Easter, eat, fear, feast, feature, freak, gear, gleam, glean, heap, heat, heath, heathen, heave, increase, leadx2, leaf, league, lean, leap, lease, leash, least, leave, meagre, meal, mean, measles, near, neat, ordeal, peach, peat, plead, please, pleat, preach, queasy, reach, really, reap, rear, reason, release, repeat, retreat, reveal, scream, seal, sear, season, seat, sheaf, sheath, smear, sneak, speak, spear, squeak, squeal, squeamish, steam, streak, stream, teach, teak, tearx2, tease, theatre, treacle, treason, treat, treaty, veal, wean, weary, weasel, weave, wheat, wreath, year, yeast, zeal. Open i: Albino, antique, aubergine, bikini, clementine, fatigue, guillotine, machine, magazine, margarine, marine, mosquito, plasticine, police, prestige, ravine, regime, routine, sardine, suite, tambourine, tangerine, trampoline, unique, vaseline, pizza.
Achieve, belief, believe, brief , chief, diesel, field, fiend, fierce, grief, grieve, hygienic, medieval, niece, pierce, priest, relief, relieve, shield, shriek, siege, thief, thieve, tier, wield, yield. Caffeine, codeine, protein, seize, weir, weird, conceive /coneit, deceive /deceit, receive /receipt. Assorted variants: People; cathedral, secret; pizza, ski, souvenir; debris.
Learning to read and write English could be made much easier by merely correcting some of the above irregularities which make it exceptionally difficult and time-consuming.
Posted 1st July 2010 by Masha Bell (
submitted by gray-matterz to EnglishLinguistics [link] [comments]

Foods Allowed on the Ketogenic Diet: Your Complete List [in 2020]

Following a diet or starting a change in habits does not have to be complicated, but the last thing you need is to have to continually question what you can and cannot eat.
What to eat on the Ketogenic diet?
With this post we want to make things a little easier for you, and that you have a quick reference at your fingertips of the vast majority of foods allowed on the ketogenic diet .

Fats and oils

When following a ketogenic diet, fat makes up the vast majority of your calories. These foods will provide you with the high-quality fats you need:
📷Do you want to start a Ketogenic Diet but don't know how? We have prepared something that will accompany you and guide you on your way to your best version, find out everything here


If you eat red meat or poultry, go for organic, grass-fed options. If you consume eggs, choose to be organic or free-range eggs (codes 0 and 1).
Remember that the keto diet is moderate in protein.
* Tempeh are soybeans fermented with rhizopus fungus. It has as much protein as meat, and it regenerates the intestinal flora. In addition, it contains vitamin B-12 and is a source of calcium, phosphorus and iron.



Cruciferous vegetables that are grown above ground, green and leafy will be the best option.

Dairy products

For some people, dairy products can cause bloating and inflammation. If you are not sensitive to dairy products, you have several high-fat options.
Always choose whole products, not 'light' or 'low fat' since in them the fat has been replaced by added sugar.
Natural fermented dairy is also a very good option.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are a perfect food for low-carb dieters. Underrated and often overlooked, they are packed with healthy nutrients.
We recommend buying them raw and roasting them, if you like, at home.


Spices and aromatic herbs

Virtually all spices and herbs are allowed and provide a host of health benefits.
Learn to include them in your kitchen, experiment and let creativity fly! You will enjoy new flavors that you do not expect.



If you are not following a strict ketogenic diet and therefore a bit more liberal when it comes to carbohydrates, try to avoid processed sources like refined flours.
Organic produce that grows naturally will always be a better option for your overall health.
We hope that our list of foods allowed on the ketogenic diet will especially serve you during the first few weeks.
While ditching starchy carbohydrates, grains, sugars, fruits, and alcohol may not be easy at first, we assure you that it will be much easier as you begin to physically notice the many benefits of a low-carb diet. !
📷Remember! We have prepared something that will accompany you and guide you on your way to your best version, find out everything here
submitted by cheryldlovejoy to KetoDiet2021 [link] [comments]

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submitted by gabbyItgirl to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

My complete research about Nofap . A little lengthy .

Combining Some Texts that i read on Bhramcharya / Semen Retention
There are two things in this world that one should not waste. One is money and the other is semen. All the money in this world is going down the drain. It should not be used for oneself. Money should not be misused and one should practice brahmacharya as much as possible. The ultimate extract of our nourishment is semen and it is dissipated and lost in sex. There are certain nerves in the body that help preserve semen and this in turn protects the body. Therefore, brahmacharya should be preserved as much as possible.
With brahmacharya you can achieve whatever you want to. With brahmacharya your worldly aims will be accomplished. You will be able to follow your vows and commitments. There is ease of further progress in all directions. The extract of non- Self, brahmacharya is a very important. If this is present it opens the Self.
The person who is under the vow of brahmacharya will never fall, no matter how bad the difficulties. That is called safe side.
Brahmacharya is the king of the body. A person practicing brahmacharya has a wonderful mind. Brahmacharya is the extract of the entire living body.
Sex is poison is not known. If they did know that sex is poison, they would stay away from it.
So many people ask me, ‘What is there in sex that my whole body feels like death after experiencing the pleasure of sex, my mind dies and my speech dies?’ I tell them that all these people indulging in sexuality are already dead, but because you have not awakened to this fact, the same condition occurs again and again. Otherwise if ever brahmacharya is preserved, each human being has so much energy. The knowledge of the Self is the ultimate essence of time (samayasaar). This is real awareness that increases the experience of the Self. And brahmacharya is the essence of the living body.
The presence of brahmacharya in the mind, the body and the speech results in wonderful power of mind, wonderful power of body and wonderful power of the speech. What type of sexuality existed in the times of Lord Mahavir? The sex was limited to having one to two children. The Lord knew that this interaction would be abused in this day and age, so he had to add the fifth vow of brahmacharya.
A gentleman once told me that he misses his wife when he is at work. You fool! Would you lick pus off her hand, if she developed an abscess? Then, why are you so fascinated by a woman? This whole body is full of pus. Have you ever thought about what this body is made of? The amount of love a hog has for a sow is greater than the amount of love a man has for his wife. Can you call this love? This is nothing but beastliness. True love is that which never increases or decreases. All this is nothing but infatuation.
Man has the wrong belief that pleasure exists in sex. Now, if you experience greater happiness and pleasure in something other than sex, then you would not seek pleasure in sex. There is no happiness in sex but there is no other option for the humans in worldly interactions. Otherwise who would knowingly open the lid of a gutter? If there were happiness in sex, Chakravatis (kings of continents) with so many queens, would not have set out in search of real happiness.
To practice brahmacharya'. And you have to get rid of the slightest thought of sex as soon as it arises. If not, a seed of sex will be sown. If allowed to remain, after two days it will kill you. Hence uproot such a thought and get rid of it right away. Next, make sure that you do not look with sexual thoughts at any woman. If your eyes happen to pull you towards a woman, pull them away from her.
The one who definitely wants to practice brahmacharya, must first examine and severely test his control over his senses, and if he feels that he may slip, then it is better for him to get married. Even after that, it should be under control and he should alert her about his desire for exercising control.
Sexuality is not poison. Fearlessness in sex is poison. There is no problem in sex if it has to be done, as a last resort, just as if a policeman were to force you to do so. It should not happen by your own choice. Do you have any choice but to sit in the jail if the policeman puts you there? Is there any escaping from there? Similarly, you do not have a choice when karma unfolds its account and the sex act in the mind, speech or body, happens. Any religion that sanctions and allows sexuality is no religion. Religion exists where there is brahmacharya. No matter to what little extent religion is present, it must be free from all elements of sexuality.
By not getting involved in the sexual act, one may become uneasy and unsettled for a month or two. However loss of familiarity is the key. With the loss of familiarity one will forget sexuality totally. It is not possible for a person enjoying sex to get rid of the desire for it. Hence, research of the scriptures done by people in our country, has led to the discovery that the path of brahmacharya is the best. The best cure is to become unfamiliar with sex.
Once you stay away from sex for one or two years, then you forget all about it. That is the nature of the mind. If it goes near it, it will become restless. The mind has been separated from its familiarity. If ‘You’ (the Self) remain separate from it, then the mind stays away from it and therefore it will forget it forever. It will never remember it again. It will not go there even if you want it to. Do you understand that? It is like if you stayed away from your friend for two years then your mind will forget him.
Diet plays a prominent part in keeping up Brahmacharya. Purity of food brings in purity of mind. That power which connects the body and the mind is present in the food that we take. Various kinds of food have varying effects on the mind. There are certain kinds of food that make the mind and the body very strong and steady. So it is absolutely essential that we should take pure and Sattvic food. Food has a very close connection with Brahmacharya. If proper attention is given to the purity of the food that we take, Brahmacharya becomes quite easy.
The influence of foodstuffs on the brain cells, emotion and passion is remarkable. There are different compartments in the brain and each food produces its own effect on each compartment and on the general system. A confection of sparrow produces an aphrodisiac effect. It directly stimulates the reproductive organs. Garlic, onions, meat, fish and eggs stimulate passion. Mark how elephants and cows that live on grass are quiet and peaceful and how tigers and other carnivorous animals that live on meat are turbulent and ferocious. Instinct or the voice from within will guide you in the selection of articles of diet that are conducive to the keeping up of Brahmacharya. You can also consult some elderly and experienced persons.
Foods to Eat
Cheru, Havis Annam, milk, wheat, barley, bread, ghee, butter, dried ginger, green gram, potatoes, dates, plantains, curd, almonds and fruits are all Sattvic articles of food. Cheru is a mixture of boiled white rice, ghee, white sugar and milk. Havis Annam is also a similar preparation. This is very useful for spiritual aspirants. Milk is a perfect food by itself, containing as it does, the different nutritive constituents in a well balanced proportion. This is an ideal food for Yogins and Brahmacharins. Fruits are great energy producers. Bananas, grapes, sweet oranges, apples, pomegranates and mangoes are wholesome and nutritious.
Dry fruits such as grapes, raisins, dates and figs, sweet fresh fruits such as bananas, mangoes, Sapotas, melons, limes, pineapples, apples, wood apples and sweet pomegranates, sugar and sugar-candy, honey, sago, arrowroot, milk, butter and ghee of cows, tender coconut water, coconut, almonds, pistachio nuts, Toor Dhal, Ragi, barley, maize, wheat, rice of red paddy whose bran is only partly removed and rice of good smell or sweet taste, and all preparations from any of these grains, and white pumpkin are Sattvic articles for keeping up Brahmacharya.
Forbidden food
Highly seasoned dishes, hot curries, Chutnies, chillies, meat, fish, eggs, tobacco, liquor, sour articles, oil of all kinds, garlic, onions, bitter things, sour curd, stale food, acids, astringents, pungent stuffs, roasted things, over-ripe and unripe fruits, heavy vegetables and salt are not at all beneficial. Onions and garlic are worse than meat.
Salt is the worst enemy. Too much salt excites passion. Even if you do not take salt separately, the system will derive the necessary quantity of salt from other foodstuffs. All foodstuffs contain salt. Giving up of salt helps you in controlling the tongue and thereby the mind and all the other Indriyas.
All kinds of peas and beans, both fresh and fried, black grain, Bengal gram, horse gram, sprouted grains, mustard, all sorts of chillies, asafoetida, lentils, brinjals, lady’s finger, cucumbers, Malabar nightshades, both white and red, bamboo shoots, papaw fruit, drumsticks, all varieties of gourd such as white gourd, snake gourd and squash gourd, radish, leeks, mushrooms of all kinds, things fried in oil or ghee, pickles of all sorts, fried rice, sesame seeds, tea, coffee, cocoa, all kinds of vegetables, leaves, roots, fruits and foodstuffs that create wind or indigestion, grief, pain or costiveness or other sickness, pastry preparations, foods that are dry and burning, foods that are bitter, sour, saline, over-hot and pungent, tobacco and its preparations, foods and drinks containing liquor or narcotic drugs such as opium and bhang, food preparations which are stale or have become cold subsequent to their removal from the hearth or which have lost their natural taste, smell, colour or form, or which are remnants after being eaten away by other persons, animals, birds or insects, or which contain dust, hair, straw or other rubbish, and milk of buffalo, goat or sheep should be avoided as they are either Rajasic or Tamasic by nature. Lemon juice, rock salt, ginger and white pepper can be used in moderation.
Fasting controls passion. Fasting destroys sexual excitement. It calms the emotions. It controls the Indriyas also. Passionate young men and ladies should take recourse to occasional fasting. It will prove highly beneficial. Fasting is a great Tapas. It purifies the mind. It destroys a great multitude of sins.Fasting controls particularly the tongue, which is your deadly enemy. When you fast, do not allow the mind to think of delicious dishes, because then you will not derive much benefit. Fasting overhauls the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and urinary systems. It destroys all the impurities of the body and all sorts of poisons. It eliminates uric acid deposits. Just as impure gold is rendered pure by melting it in the crucible again and again, so also, the impure mind is rendered purer and purer by fasting again and again. Young, robust Brahmacharins should observe fasting whenever passion troubles them. You will have very good meditation during fasting, as the mind is calm. The chief object in fasting is to practice Dhyana rigorously during that period as all the Indriyas/senses are calm.
During fasting, the internal digestive organs such as the stomach, the liver and the pancreas take rest. Epicureans, gluttons and those who are tireless eaters do not allow rest for these organs even for a few minutes. Hence, these organs get diseased soon. Diabetes, albuminuria, dyspepsia and hepatitis are all due to overfeeding. After all, man wants very little on this earth. Ninety per cent of the people in this world take more food than what is absolutely necessary for the body. Overeating has become their habit. All diseases take their origin in overeating. An occasional complete fast is a great desideratum for all to keep up good health, relieve the internal organs and maintain Brahmacharya. Diseases that are pronounced incurable by allopaths and homoeopaths are cured by fasting. Fasting develops will-power. It increases the power of endurance. Manu, the Hindu law-giver, prescribes in his code the remedy of fasting for removal of the five capital sins also .
It is better to drink a large quantity of water, either tepid or cold, according to temperament and inclination, during fasting. It will flush out the kidneys and remove the poison and all sorts of impurities in the body. In Hatha Yoga it is termed as Gata-Suddhi or purification of the flesh-pot, the physical body. You can add half a teaspoonful of soda bicarbonate to the water. Those who fast for two or three days should not break their fast with any solid food. They should take some kind of fruit juice, either sweet orange juice or pomegranate juice. They should sip the juice slowly. You can take an enema daily during fasting.
Fast for a day to start with. Then slowly increase the number of days according to your strength and capacity. In the beginning you may feel a slight weakness. The first day may be very tiring. You will feel real Ananda, bliss, on the second or the third day. The body will be very, very light. You can turn out more mental work during fasting. Those who are in the habit of fasting will rejoice. On the first day, the mind will tempt you in a variety of ways to eat something or the other. Stand firm. Be bold. Curb the mind at once when it hisses or raises its hood .
Many young men are troubled by wet dreams or nocturnal emissions and spermatorrhoea. This dire disease, spermatorrhoea, has eaten away the very core of the heart of many brilliant youth, who were once very promising students during the beginning stages of their educational career. This terrible scourge has sapped the vitality or the very essence of many students and even grown-up people and has made them physical, moral and spiritual bankrupts. This deadly curse has stunted the growth of many young people and made them bemoan their past ignorant, vicious habits. This wretched malady has blighted the hopes of many a young person and brought despair, gloom, shattered health and dilapidated constitution.
I receive numerous letters of pathetic tales of dissipated, lost youth. The recent trend in the increase of vulgar, cheap and aphrodisiac literature and obscene films, both Indian and Western, had added to the miseries of misguided youth. Loss of the vital energy creates great fear in their mind. The body becomes weak, memory fails, the face becomes ugly and the young man is not able to remedy his pitiable condition due to shame.
Spermatorrhoea is involuntary seminal discharge. Nocturnal discharge, night pollution, Svapna- Dosha, wet dream are all synonymous terms. Ayurvedic doctors call this disease Sukra-Megha. This is due to the evil habits in youth. In severe cases, discharges occur in daytime also. The patient passes semen along with urine during micturition. If there is occasional discharge, you need not be alarmed a bit. This may be due to heat in the body, or the pressure of loaded bowels or bladder on the seminal bags. This is not a pathological condition.
Night pollution is of two kinds, namely, physiological pollution and pathological pollution. In physiological pollution, you will be refreshed. You should not be afraid of this act. You should not mind if the discharge of semen is very occasional. You need not worry about it. This is also a slight flushing of the apparatus or a periodical cleansing through a slight overflow from the reservoir in which the semen is stored up. This act may not be attended with evil thoughts. The person may not be aware of the act during the night. Whereas, in pathological pollution, the act is accompanied by sexual thoughts. Depression follows. There is irritability, languishment, laziness, inability to work and concentrate. Occasional discharges are of no consequence, but frequent nocturnal pollutions cause depression of spirits, debility, dyspepsia, low spirits, loss of memory, severe pain in the back, headache, burning of the eyes, drowsiness and burning sensation at urination or during the flow of semen. The semen becomes very thin.
Wet dreams and spermatorrhoea may be due to various causes like constipation, a loaded stomach, irritation-producing or wind-producing food, impure thoughts and long self-abuse done in ignorance.
Seminal weakness, nocturnal emissions, lascivious dreams and all other effects of an immoral life will surely lead one to a miserable state of living if not checked by proper medicines. But these medicines cannot produce a permanent cure. One can get temporary relief during the time one takes the medicine. Even doctors of the West admit that such medicines cannot effect a permanent cure. The moment the medicine is discontinued, the patient will find his disease all the worse. In some cases, the patient becomes impotent by the use of drugs. The only effective permanent cure can be had through the system of ancient Yoga. Nasti Yogat Param Balam. There is no strength higher than that of Yoga.
Do not be carried away by the pompous advertisements made by quacks and charlatans. Lead a simple natural life. You will become all right soon. Do not spend any money in buying the so-called patent medicines and specifics. They are worthless. Quacks try to exploit the credulous and the ignorant. Do not go to the doctors. Endeavour to qualify yourself as your own doctor. Understand the laws of nature, the principles of hygiene and health. Do not tresspass against the laws of health.

Will post 10-20 such posts again . In last 1year , i have researched extensively on semen retention .
Let me know what you think about this post .
Till then .
NIkhil Singh
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cocoa butter benefits for health video

Cocoa butter can improve the skin and may have other health benefits. Cocoa butter is a type of vegetable fat that comes from cocoa beans. Manufacturers extract creamy cocoa butter from the beans... The Health Benefits of Cacao Butter Cacao butter is full of antioxidants and essential fatty acids, making it an excellent healthy fat for those eating a ketogenic diet. With omega-3 and -6 fatty acids in every spoonful, cacao butter is also full of cholesterol-aiding phytosterols, plant compounds that help decrease harmful LDL cholesterol. The benefits of cocoa butter include high levels of antioxidant seeds, carbohydrates, high levels of protein. Also, cocoa butter contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin D, vitamin E, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, vitamin A, and caffeine. Cocoa Butter health benefits includes providing nutrition to the body, preventing aging, treating stretch marks, supporting weight gain and a good source of vitamins and minerals. Cocoa Butter Moisturizes the Skin Cocoa butter is rich in fatty acids that keep the skin hydrated. Cocoa butter is a good product for smoothing away rough, dry skin. It helps heal and nourish the skin from the inside to keep it hydrated, and it also gets absorbed easily and quickly to keep the skin supple. 9 Wonderful Health Benefits Of Cocoa. Effects on Blood Pressure; Good For Heart Health; Lowers Cholesterol; Improves Brain Function; It is a Natural Antidepressant; Energy Source; Balances Blood Sugar; Prevents Cancer; Strengthens Immune System; 14 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cocoa Butter. Side Effects; Advice; Related posts: The fat in cocoa butter forms a protective barrier over skin to hold in moisture. Cocoa butter is also rich in natural plant compounds called phytochemicals. These substances may improve blood flow... Cocoa butter contains high levels of oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and other antioxidant compounds. These fatty acids benefit the body by neutralizing disease-causing free radicals, especially in the skin. As cocoa butter contributes to the reduction of oxidative stress, it minimizes wrinkles, age marks, and other signs of aging. Cocoa butter promotes skin health Cocoa butter makes an excellent skin moisturizer and it does more than just hydrate the skin. It melts around body temperature so it’s a good skin moisturizer, and since it’s also edible, it’s not dangerous to use as a lip balm as well. And in terms of your diet, as explained more below, cocoa butter benefits include providing healthy fatty acids that support the immune system, cardiovascular system, cognitive function and appetite control. What Is Cocoa Butter? Cocoa butter (sometimes called theobroma oil) is a natural, meltable oil that’s extracted from the cocoa bean.

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