Casino Matrix Poker Room -

casino matrix poker room

casino matrix poker room - win

[krimewave] The Born Loser <2021-01-31>

Metadata manipulation is Vegas is dangerous; especially when metagaming relies on accurate metadata for trending bet predictions and odds to be properly calculated.
Runners meet the Johnson at the Casino Grande online Mahjong Table #12.
Runners make their way to Vegas courtesy of ZDT's cessna, landing in searchlight and getting their comped room at the Planet Horizon as well as a limo ride from the airport. VIP services checks them in, and ZDT and Aurora proceed to search the fuck out of everything they can, getting a little background on the Johnson while ZDT foments a plan.
Bubblegum and Aegean take turns on the casino floor attempting to surveil the Johnson, with Bubblegum sitting a few hands of poker to realize that he's dealing, yet again, with another person Dream Pacted by the Fae - a Jarl possessing the man spends all night up gambling while he toils his days away in his hotel room remoting in to work. ZDT decides to frame him for corporate collusion with a rival entity while the team agrees to the plan.
ZDT hacks the NEONet foundation, grabbing some project data linked to Gerber, escaping the foundation after a daring series of hacks and receiving some secondary host code from Aurora, who vacates the host after getting chased for encryption-cracking while helping ZDT get into the foundation.
Back in the hotel room, they decide to kick it in Vegas for a couple days, doing the touristy stuff like feeding the lions during the virtual Siegfried and Roy show with a Krime T-Shirt Cannon and generally fucking around till their edge comes back.
Two days later, ZDT and Aurora get on the hacks, putting all the copied compromised data into gerber's comms, masquerading them to forward the files to Horizon and copying the transcript log of the transfer, and then Aurora anonymously calls NEONet for the tip-off. Not even an hour later, Herbert is checking out of his year-and-a-half long room at the PH, forced to return to chilly boston as his bosses start screaming over his corporate defection. Nasty guest evicted!
A CFD-ridden, dream-pacted executive may be an interesting threat during the Boston Lockdown...
Johnson covered room & board as part of negotiations.
submitted by coy-coyote to NeonAAR [link] [comments]

[noir-vember] Indecent Proposals <2020-11-29>

Name of Run: Indecent Proposals

Meant to be the culmination of Casino Royale's 'high rollers' scene.
Matrix meet.
Runners make it to Vegas with three vehicles. Segmentation checks out the hotel room on a burner PCC SIN, and proceeds to start digging in to the two subjects. The ground team begins surveilling the tournament area at the Planet Horizon, keeping a low profile while surveilling Mr. Hu gambling.
They recognize Mr. Hu meeting with Corroleone; tailing them back to the Mandalay Bay penthouse level. Rigger inserts a flyspy to check security; discovers both items in the apartment. Team stacks yup for hostile insertion while the rigger uses the flyspy to nudge the McGuffins into the automated laundry chute present in the suite, passing stealth and pilot checks even through the drone's batteries were pretty much drained.
Night Train snags the items out of the laundry chute and disappears back out onto the streets of Vegas, eager to do the handoff.
gains for Krime and Skraacha in Las Vegas. New plotlines developing.
Drug usage, favors for burner SIN.
submitted by coy-coyote to NeonAAR [link] [comments]

I experienced a bizarre event while at a casino and it has taken me several weeks to get myself to write/ask/tell anyone about it. Reddit, can you please help me make sense of this?

I am a 24/m with no history of mental or physical illness that could possibly explain this. What I am about to share with you does not come easily for me in the least. Mostly because I already know trying to explain my experience is going to make me sound fucking crazy. But I'd much rather sound crazy anonymously to the internet than sound crazy to my close friends. I'm kind of worried about how they might react.
I'll get right to it and try to fill in any necessary details around it. Sorry if it's hard to follow. Bear with me, please.
We had been at the casino for three days now. Earlier that month we had stayed close to two weeks. Not sure why, but we got comped every night so what was initially supposed to be a two day trip ended up being much longer. I personally don't gamble that much, a couple hundred here and there. But by no means enough to warrant comping me three consecutive nights at this resort. Oh well, I'm not complaining.
During that first trip a friend of mine who does gamble a lot met a random guy "Greg" in the high-roller gaming area. I guess he was cool because my friends came to get me from the poker room to go meet this guy. He must've made quite an impression. Before I could cash out another random guy at the table, "Chris", overhears this conversation and cashes out before me and follows us to meet Greg. He wasn't exactly invited, but we've been at this casino for so long at this point and hung out with so many random people that we didn't think much of it. Sidenote: Greg pays for EVERYTHING that night. Taxi/alcohol/strippers
After we return home, both Greg and Chris text my friends and I repeatedly throughout the week asking/inquiring as to when we are coming back. They promise fun, strippers, and possible room accommodations. Chris even gives me the phone number to reserve a room and tells me how to go through the automated system to make it easier for me. All pretty friendly stuff.
And then I get this feeling... I'm usually not a paranoid person at all, but I got a weird feeling about these two guys. They are around 15-20 years older than us, they really want us to come back to the casino, and they seem to ALWAYS be there (Greg has been there close to a month at this point). I feed into this paranoia and come to the conclusion that one, if not both, of these guys is working undercover for the casino. I accept this far-fetched idea and think its ingenious that the casino has implemented undercover employees to mingle with their guests and subtly get us to play more games, and advertise various shops and restaurants to us without our immediate knowledge. I think it's quite clever and am convinced that if these aren't undercover employees then well, they should hire some because that is a fuckin great idea.
Now..comes the part where I lose you guys if I haven't already. I can't believe I'm even trying to explain this. On our return trip we managed to get ourselves a comped suite. Score! The first night we ran around slot-hopping, where something strange happened too, but I'll get into that later. The next day we bumped into Greg. Like I said.. this guy.. is always there. He then proceeds to arrange a hooker to come meet another friend of ours. Now I'm thinking... holy shit.. is this guy a pimp? or do I still think he's an undercover casino employee? or... both?! Doesn't matter.. Now we're at the blackjack table with Greg, two of my friends, and myself, while our other friend is getting busy with said hooker in the room.
And this is where the bizarre shit happens. We're all sitting there and all of a sudden I get really, really, cold. I start shivering uncontrollably, yet intermittently. I can't concentrate on conversations and for some reason can only hear select words. My mind is racing and then I am overcome with paranoia. I don't quite know what the hell is going on at this point, physically. It's here I start honing in on select cue words from Greg. He keeps saying "ride it out".. "ride it out".. "Almost there".. All while talking about blackjack but everything he says pertains to what I am thinking and freaking out about in my head. At times he directly comments on thoughts I am having in my head and even does hand gestures to illustrate my thoughts. Yeah.. I'm freaking out... but.. I know I'm sober. No alcohol or drugs prior to this event.. This doesn't make sense.
I am now becoming hypersensitive to everything around me. Conversations, strangers, pit bosses. The music playing over the speakers, though I know to be very mild, is now overbearing and a strange, very prominent, buzzing/pulsating sound is in my ears. The more I focus in on this sound and the more I allow it to "break" me down, the louder a voice becomes that says, "He's getting close." Whenever I hear that voice I pull away my focus from the pulsating sound and try my very best to look normal in front of everyone while I am secretly very fucking confused. So I try to relax.. the whole time I'm focusing on my breathing and trying to calm myself down.
Now this is going on in waves.. the pulsating... the buzzing.. the comments.. the shivering..the voice that says "he's getting close" everytime I feed into what I try to tell myself are hallucinations.. but.. why am I hallucinating while just sitting here in a casino?
Then what feels like a bug hits me in the back. It's the same feeling you'd expect if a fairly large beetle flew and landed on your back. I reach my hand over my shoulder and grab at the spot and immediately feel it. It's moving... but it's under my shirt. How the fuck did it get under my shirt? Whatever, I pinch my shirt around it and work it up to my collar to pop it out. I grab it with my fingers and it's squirming around in my fingertips and I freak out and drop it. I now grab the bottom of my shirt and do that flapping thing people do to get something out of their shirt. While I'm doing this I hear Greg say, "There you go, now you can get in there." I freeze, look at him... and instantly feel something crawling around my neck. I slap my hand to the back of neck, only to feel SOMETHING crawl INTO the back of my neck. Ummm...yeah.. if I was freaking out before... then well you could say this made me lose my shit.
Even during this unexplainable thing I was going through I still managed to have some sense of humor. I remember thinking to myself, "Holy shit.. did ... did I just get matrixed?" I think that little humorous thought was some sort of defense mechanism, cuz I'm pretty sure my brain was freaking out. I had thoughts of this being some sort of technology we aren't aware of yet. Technology to fuck with one person's senses while everyone else is normal. And technology to hack my brain. These were my thoughts man... I know.. it sounds crazy..
At some point immediately after this I saw a black blur quickly move from down the pathway by the slots, around the blackjack table and then directly behind me. VERY quickly. I looked over my right shoulder, nothing. Looked over my left, nothing. But I couldn't shake that feeling that someone was behind me. It's here that I heard Greg say something along the lines of, "Go explore, it's your world now." in a voice that was like he was disappointed. Maybe he was expecting a different result? Or maybe I wasn't supposed to be this aware of what was happening to me? Either way I felt something enter the back of my neck and just like that I felt like I was in a trance or some sort of hypnotic state. Although I've never been in one before, I imagine this is what it's like.
I don't really know much of what happened after the "Go explore" comment. But I remember having this overwhelming feeling that Greg was a part of this.. and even the casino itself was part of what was happening to me. The hooker eventually came back down and found us at the table. My friends got up and I followed them back to the room.
I was now terrified of being alone anywhere in this casino. My thoughts were noticeably more clear now that we left that table. It was only when I walked away that I noticed how clouded my thoughts and senses actually were. Very noticeably different.
Okay.. so now here I am. The days and weeks following this event have been filled with paranoia, losing sleep, and constantly rubbing that spot on the back of my neck trying to convince myself that it didn’t really happen. I notice movement specifically in shadows, daily. I also see something in my field of vision that I can guess is about the size of a fruitfly that appears, flys a small "S" curve, and disappears. Again, almost daily. It always happens very quickly and before I am able to focus in on it.
So, reddit. Tell me something. Tell me I'm crazy. Tell my to lay off the weed. I don't know. But what happened to me was not a drug induced hallucination. If so, then this drug has the ability to mess with temperatures, vision, hearing, and touch all while not giving off the impression of being a hallucination at any point. It’s all seamless and VERY real. These weren't warm colors, and geometric shapes melting and warping into loving hugs. This was a, "I'm taking over your body and you can't do anything about it" kind of experience.
I did some research on schizophrenia, you know... because the only way I can come to peace about this in a sane and rational way is to come to the conclusion that I may have just experienced my very first psychotic episode? That sounds almost laughably ironic.. but seriously.. I can't fucking explain this at all. Are there any people out there familiar with this that could provide me some insight? I’m serious… I haven’t spoken to my friends about this, I stay in almost everyday (though I may blame reddit for that), my whole demeanor, and personality, and possibly my perception of reality have changed because of this…
EDIT: So a lot of you have come up with some ideas as to how/why this happened. Many of you suggested I get a psychological evaluation, or see a doctor in general. I think that's the best course of action. Others suggest something a little more sinister and that I was drugged. Although, I have my reasons to believe this is something I am almost not even considering, I do appreciate the concern. I hadn't eaten or drank anything that my friends did not also consume prior to this happening. Also, I didn't drink anything at the table and for hours prior to going down to the casino we were in the suite watching football. So, although I see it as very unlikely, I'll still leave it open as a small,tiny, possibility.
EDIT 2: Edit deleted. It was a imgur of a troll comment that was deleted. It freaked me out because it contained the name of the casino which I hadn't named previously. Didn't feel right leaving that here and also got accused of viral marketing??? Not too sure if this would be the most ideal topic to be promoting a casino with, but hey, you never know. I have an inkling that I'm losing my mind, but I also have an inkling that whoever accused me of that is an idiot. Carry on, internet.
EDIT 3: I spent all night reading and replying to you guys. Thanks for everyone who expressed a sincere effort to either make me more comfortable, provide some much needed advice, or simply nudge me in the right direction. Thank you again! Goodnight? Morning? Goodsleeps.
EDIT 4: Since this post has attracted some attention. More than I would have thought. And since there are many of you who think I made this up, or that I wasn't even at a casino, or that I couldn't have possibly spent 2 weeks there or gotten several comped nights. I invite a mod to verify, at the very least, that I was in fact where I was when I said I was. I have a receipt, room keys, my players card, and almost daily pictures of my stay there on my instagram. So, although I already got the answers I needed to hear and alot of bullshit as I expected. I feel the need to defend this thread so that people don't just assume EVERYTHING they read that doesn't fit their idea of reality must be a troll. I also know even after I prove that I was in fact there when I said I was there really is no way for me to prove that my experience took place. Unfortunately, I didn't quite think to instagram that at the moment.
submitted by dudewheresmyreality to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Funfair Overview and Update. There is Hope!

Funfair: Blockchain Solutions for Gaming.
For those of you unfamiliar with Funfair. Here's a brief overview:
Funfair was Founded in 2017, and is an Ethereum-based platform for online casino gaming.
Founded in 2017, FunFair is an Ethereum-based platform for online casino gaming. The online gambling market is predicted to be worth $60 Billion by 2020. Funfair isn’t actually a casino, instead, they licence out the underlying gaming technology to casinos and other gambling platforms.
One of the brilliant things about Funfair is that they market their software to casinos that mainstream audiences already use.
Now, the major challenge faced by casino operators today, especially online casino operators, is the question of trust in their offerings. To put it simply, users are reluctant to trust these services. Players feel insecure about the true odds of the games they’re playing, even if those odds are made available by the casino site.
The reason being, current server based gaming infrastructure is vulnerable to tampering and fraud. And players have no way to verify that everything is fair in the games they’re playing.
Now, Funfair have been able to solve the problem of trust, in online gambling. By building technology that cannot cheat anyone. Funfair runs on Blockchain, and Ethereum smart contracts it offers players a transparent, fair and publicly audit-able gaming experience. Player protection and provable fairness are guaranteed.
Transparent RNG ensures that the games are provably fair. Game logic is verifiable and run by Blockchain smart contracts.
Unlike other Blockchain casinos, Funfair games play as fast as any traditional online casino.
No bank account is required, so deposits and withdrawals are virtually instant. There's no need to trust a casino with your funds because funfair games let you play straight from your Crypto wallet. Winnings for every game are held in escrow by the Blockchain and paid out instantly.
For operators, fewer servers, fewer databases, fewer security & technical staff, as well as fewer internal personnel, means that costs are significantly reduced. And, no fees or charge-backs for the operator.
Funfair powered casinos' run on Blockchain, which is resistant to hardware failure, power outage or attack.
In short, Funfair casinos are faster, easier, and cheaper to create than traditional software.
The Funfair Team: Now, the team. The team is an all star team of 50 plus individuals. The leadership are industry veterans and experts in the gaming field. Arguably, the most accomplished team in Crypto. When you consider their combined gaming industry experience, relevant entrepreneurial and business experience, as well as an extraordinary track record of prior success, in the gaming industry. I would, at least, put the team on the same standing as the team at ripple, but would have to award the Funfair team extra points for their prior track record of success in the gaming industry.
Jez San OBE: Jez San the CEO and Co-founder of funfair, came to the project with an extensive background in gaming and online gambling that stretches back to 1982, as well, he has a more modern appreciation and experience in Cryptocurrency circles.
Jez received his first computer at the age of twelve in 1978. Within a year he'd taught himself assembly language for several microprocessors.
He founded Argonaut Software as a teenager in high school as a way to get software consulting jobs with large companies. He worked on security systems with British Telecom and Acorn. In 1984, at 18 years of age, he started developing his first game, Skyline Attack for the Commodore 64, he also co-wrote a book, Quantum Theory, about the Sinclair QL. And, he became a wizard (admin) at Essex MUD, the world's first multiplayer online role-playing game.
His late-1986 game Starglider for the Atari ST and the Commodore Amiga sold hundreds of thousands of copies (earning him £2 per copy in royalties). The money helped launch Argonaut as a larger company that started hiring other people in 1986.
In 1996, Argonaut received external funding from Apax Partners and was publicly listed on the London Stock Exchange in 2000.
He also helped found ARC International when it was spun out from Argonaut in 1998 and was its largest shareholder on IPO.
Between 1999 and 2002, he founded Codeplay and is currently the majority shareholder.
He received an OBE (Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in 2002, the first explicitly awarded for services to the computer game industry.
He founded Crunchy Frog Ltd, which in 2005 became online poker company PKR. An online poker room that allowed users to play poker in a virtual reality setting.
In 2008, he co-founded mobile application developer and publisher Origin8. Which produces iPhone and BlackBerry software, and has offices in London.
Jeremy Longley: The CTO of Funfair is Jeremy Longley, who was a co-founder of Longley has extensive experience in both 2D and 3D game creation and in the past has led teams to develop innovative HTML5 and Android products, cashier systems, account management features, and third party system integrations.
He also has an MA in Computer Science with 1st Class Honours from Cambridge University. He seems to be a dominant figure behind a lot of the tech at Funfair.
Oliver Hopton: Funfair’s third founder, Oliver Hopton, has over 15 years experience building gaming products. Including 10 years as Software Development Manager at PKR and 18 months as CTO at EveryFan. He, along with Longley, also appears to be a leading figure behind a lot of the tech at Funfair.
Stefan Kovach CCO at Funfair: Stefan was previously Marketing director at PokerStars for nearly 12 years.
James Harrison Director of Corporate: James was Compliance and Licensing Director at Gaming Realms for 3 years, and CEO at AlchemyBet for 5 years, 5 months.
The FUN Token: FUN is the native token that powers every aspect of the Funfair gaming ecosystem. It is the betting chip that pits player against casino, the financial reward paid to developers for their games, and the fuel that enables key processes on the network.
Ownership of individual tokens is anonymous.
A total of just under 11 billion FUN tokens were created on June 22, 2017, and no more will be created. There are 5.3 billion FUN in circulation. With this fixed supply, the token is deflationary and should experience increases in price over time as demand for it increases. Furthermore, Funfair singe all FUN that are collected as fees. Singe is a term that refers to very very long-term cold storage, and with the potential to be destroyed, when the regulatory atmosphere permits. Taking these tokens out of circulation, in this way, should also put upward pressure on price.
Importantly, casinos' must stake enough FUN to cover payouts / winnings. Which basically means that a lot of FUN will be locked up in the networks growing list of casinos'.
Now, we are currently in a major bear market. But, do stop to remember, that this does not reflect on Funfair. What is does reflect on is the current state of the market. Markets are cyclical and I, personally, expect a recovery and corresponding bull market will be forthcoming (Just my opinion).
Partnerships: Funfair have a number of partners.
Spike Games is one. Spike Games is a well-known creator of slot games. Funfair partnered with them in April this year. Spike are assisting in the creation of new Blockchain versions of popular slot games.
Big Wave Gaming is another partner. Big Wave is a Sydney based slot game creator, with a focus on Asian markets. The partnership was created to give Funfair better access to Asian markets.
And of course, RakeTheRake. Rake the Rake is the largest and most reputable Rakeback affiliate in the worldwide poker market today.
CasinoFair: Funfair has launched the first brand to go live on their network: CasinoFair.
CasinoFair, under its tagline ‘Famous for Fairness’, goes beyond traditional limitations and offers players the fairest experience possible using decentralization of the Blockchain as well as Fate Channels, which is Funfair’s proprietary version of generalized state channel technology.
Players use FUN to play, directly funded from their Crypto wallet, a growing range of premium games are available on CasinoFair. Including Funfairs latest titles, Wheel of Fun, Fate of Thrones and FunDice, along with a host of popular casino games such as European Roulette and Blackjack.
CasinoFair will only get bigger and better, as Funfair evolves from offering a service to the Crypto community to disrupting the mass gaming market.
Sales Funnel: Funfair is currently putting a lot of emphasis on optimizing CasinoFair's sales funnel. This will make it significantly easier and faster for players to start playing on Funfair powered Casinos' going forward!
Funfair is also putting a lot of emphasis on players being able to purchase FUN directly at the Casino.
We can expect to see these improvements in the weeks, and months ahead.
Funfair players can look forward to a significantly streamlined entry into FF powered casinos'.
New Games: Funfair also anticipate a steady roll out of new games over the coming weeks and months! Including space slots and pirate slots, two more wheels, an Alice Cooper slot, as well as, a fishy slot, from outside game developers. Along with some other stuff too. There's a lot happening at Funfair. The Fishy slot is apparently insane and something to really watch out for. These games will add to Funfairs ever expanding line-up of games.
RaketheRake Casino: Also, the second Casino on the Funfair network is set to be launched this quarter. It will be operated and marketed by RaketheRake. For those of you unfamiliar with RaketheRake, they are the largest and most reputable Rakeback affiliate in the worldwide poker market. RaketheRake currently work in conjunction with all of the top poker rooms to increase traffic to their casino sites and secure the best Rakeback deals for their players. The Funfair powered casino will be the first casino owned and operated directly by RaketheRake.
Funfairs Competitors: Funfair has a few Crypto-based competitors but is far ahead of the competition. Nevertheless, with the popularity of Blockchain gambling, as well as the sheer size of the market it wouldn’t be surprising to see more competitors enter the space.
Decent Bet, Edgeless, and Dao.Casino are some Blockchain-based casinos. However, by licensing out their tech to casinos, Funfair isn’t in direct competition with these projects. Instead, Funfair faces competition from platform providers in the traditional online gambling space such as Kambi, Gig, and EveryMatrix.
In Summary: I'd have to say I rate Funfair very highly among all the Crypto projects out there. They have excellent leadership, with a proven track record of success, a great team, a lot of industry experience, a great concept, and a working product to back it up, strong Tokenomics, with FUN being needed to fuel every aspect of the Funfair network. Additionally, all fees are singed, as well as, casinos' having to stake enough FUN to cover casino payouts.
If anyone can find a silver-lining in the current environs it's gonna be the best and brightest of crypto folks.
submitted by warped_alibi to FunfairTech [link] [comments]

Blackjack, the DPS / support of four suits

Warning: very long hero entry ahead. For a briefer read, focus on sections 1.1, 1.2, and 2.2.

-- 1. IN-GAME --

1.1 Info

Class: Support
Role: DPS + off-healer hybrid, backline harasser
Healthpool: 100 health, 50 shields
Movement Speed: 6 m/s (same as Tracer / Genji)
Difficulty: ★★★

1.2 Kit

[Passive] Suits
Blackjack has four types of ammo. She can freely switch her ammo at any time with [1], [2], [3], and [4].
Suit Effect
Hearts: Hits allies only, heals for 40 health per shot.
Diamonds: Hits allies only, heals for 20 health per shot and increases healing done to them by 2%, capping at 30%. Duration refreshes with each new stack, but if not refreshed for five seconds, all stacks vanish.
Clubs: Hits enemies only, deals 40 damage per shot.
Spades: Hits enemies only, deals 20 damage per shot and increases damage dealt to them by 2%, capping at 30%. Duration refreshes with each new stack, but if not refreshed for five seconds, all stacks vanish.

[Primary Fire] Card Dealer
Blackjack quickly slings forth a hard-light card from one of four suits.
Type: Arcing Projectile
Healing: 40 (Hearts), 20 (Diamonds)
Damage: 40 (Clubs), 20 (Spades)
Healing Increase (Diamonds): 2% per shot, max 30%
Damage Increase (Spades): 2% per shot, max 30%
Rate of Fire: 2 shots per second / 0.5 seconds per shot
Spread Angle: Pinpoint
Projectile Speed: 75 metres per second
Ammo: 13 per suit, 52 total
Reload Time: 2 seconds
Headshot: ✓ (Clubs, Spades), ✗ (Hearts, Diamonds)

[Secondary Fire] Card Dealer
Alternatively, she can draw several cards, then throw all of them in a volley.
Type: Multiple Arcing Projectiles
Max Healing: 160 (Hearts), 80 (Diamonds)
Max Damage: 160 (Clubs), 80 (Spades)
Charge Rate: 1 shot charged per 0.75 seconds
Rate of Fire: 5 shots per second / 0.2 seconds per shot
Spread Angle: Pinpoint

[Ability 1] Joker Card
Regardless of its original suit, Blackjack’s next card becomes a Joker Card that teleports her to its point of impact. She can have two charges of this ability.
Type: Arcing Projectile
Max Range: 30 metres
Rate of Fire: 3 shot per second / 0.3 seconds per shot
Spread Angle: Pinpoint
Cooldown: 12 seconds per charge

[Ability 2] Place Bet
Blackjack marks an enemy, and their silhouette becomes visible through walls. Allies who damage that enemy receive healing in return. When the enemy is eliminated, Blackjack is restored to full health.
Type: Tracking Projectile
Max Range:
Percentage of Damage Restored: 75%
Cooldown: 1 second

[Ultimate] Coin Flip
Blackjack flicks a coin in an arc. She can choose one of two results: it either releases smoke that blinds enemies and slows them, or gas that allows allies within it to restore their own health by dealing damage.
Type: Arcing Projectile
Max Range: 15 metres
Blind Effect: -50% visibility
Slow Effect: -50% movement speed
Percentage of Damage Restored: 75%
Charge Required: 1450

1.3 Playstyle

Blackjack is, above all else, a DPS / healer hybrid. For her, knowing which cards to use and using them quickly and efficiently is key. She is capable of doing rapid damage with her Club cards, as well as weakening her enemies with Spades so allies know to target them. Combined with her versatile mobility, she can act as a backline harasser for eliminating key targets such as an Ana or a Mercy, then teleporting out with Joker Cards.
On the other hand, her healing potential should not be overlooked. While it is aim-reliant like Ana's, if played in the right hands, she can make her team practically invincible with Heart cards, or literally invincible with Diamond cards. Diamond cards are strong against heroes with single-tick weapons, such as Pharah or Junkrat, but are useless against the opposite (being heroes with rapid-fire such as Sombra or Winston).
Her biggest weakness is her fragility. With only 150 health, she is easily dived on and taken out. Good dive players can predict where she will teleport (since she can only teleport within LoS range) and her self-healing is mediocre at best, only healing herself for 30 HP per shot.

1.4 Synergy & Counters

Blackjack synergises well with:
1. D.Va - with her high healing potential, Blackjack can keep D.Va alive and follow her dives with a well-aimed Joker Card and identify key targets with Place Bet for D.Va to then capitalise on. Blackjack's ultimate (damage form) can act as a catalyst for D.Va's, since enemies are slowed and don't know where to run.
2. Winston - for the same reasons as above. Winston can help protect Blackjack, fragile as she is, with his bubble, while she keeps him alive through her playing cards. Alternatively, she can provide burst damage while he puts pressure on enemies with his Tesla Cannon, and together they can be a backline's worst nightmare.
3. Zarya - ironic, really. Zarya's Projected Barrier protects Blackjack's 'glass cannon' status, since she is an important target most of the time. In return, Blackjack provides targets for Zarya to focus on from a safe distance. Graviton Surge paired with Coin Flip (healing) can be a dream come true.
Blackjack is countered by:
1. D.Va - D.Va's dive potential, paired with her Defense Matrix to negate both healing projectiles and damage projectiles, means she is probably Blackjack's worst nightmare. Even if Blackjack teleports away, D.Va's Boosters have a shorter cooldown than Joker Cards, and her rapid-fire shotgun-type weapon renders Blackjack's comparatively slow healing useless.
2. Winston - for the same reasons as above, but this time, his weapon can lock onto Blackjack so she can't really avoid it. His Barrier Projector lets him wait out Blackjack's Joker Card before he dives on her and finishes off her low healthpool.
3. Zarya - a fully charged Zarya can take out Blackjack in less than two seconds. Unless Blackjack has really good reaction time, she's pretty much dead if a Zarya gets close enough. Also, the fact that Placing a Bet on someone means they'll be targeted more, and that dealing damage to someone within range of a Zarya usually means charging her (at least a little), means Blackjack might as well not Place any Bets while within Zarya's LoS.

-- 2. LORE --

2.1 Story: 'Returned'

The La Mort Vient Casino was always crowded on Saturday nights.
As Maximilien looked around his casino, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. All around him, guests were gambling, placing their bets, throwing their hard-earned money away for some short-term entertainment. The clinks of wine-filled glasses, the rattling of dice against a marble table, the occasional howl of someone who had just lost all their money; the bustling atmosphere that surrounded him, the warm air, the rapid movement of hands dealing cards; the light scent of women's perfume overpowered by the heavy scent of strong red wine. All of this was so familiar, he thought, and yet he couldn't shake the feeling that someone here didn't belong.
His gaze roamed about the busy room, settling on one man in particular. This man's broad shoulders that stretched the white jacket he was wearing, the muscles that rippled up his arms and neck, and bulky, enormous build made him stand out like a sore thumb. Maximilien rolled his eyes (or his eye sockets) and approached him.
"Ogundimu, try to blend in more," he told the man, who glanced towards him. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were here as a bouncer or bodyguard."
Akande glared at him. "Stay focused on the mission, Maximilien." he said, and turned his attention back towards the glass of wine in front of him. The tracker chip inside floated to the top, and Maximilien pushed it down with his metallic finger. "I'm becoming more impatient by the second----where is our correspondent?"
"I'll ask Lacroix," Maximilien headed for the opposite side of the room, where a slender woman with blue-tinted skin stood silently. Although her attractive assets were drawing the attention of men all around her, she seemed uninterested in their stares. In fact, she seemed to show no emotion at all.
"Lacroix, has the correspondent relayed any information yet? Ogundimu's getting restless, and you know how destructive he can be when that happens."
Amelie looked at him with impassiveness. "No, she hasn't. I'm starting to think she won't show up at all."
"Hey..." came a voice from beside them. A man, swaying and obviously drunk out of his mind, came up to them and placed his hand on Amelie's bare shoulder. His stare moved up and down her body. "You're lookin' real nice, lady. What do you say we go to my house and fu--"
Without missing a beat, Amelie punched the man in the face. He doubled over and fell to the ground, and she placed her high heel on his chest. "Hmph. Please."
This isn't good, Maximilien thought as he scanned the room. Ogundimu's getting impatient, and Amelie's attracting too much attention. When will that damned correspondent arrive?
His gaze all but skipped over a hooded figure, blended in among the crowd of gamblers; he didn't notice how metallic fingers peeked out from beneath her cloak, nor the glint of a gun barrel held between them. He didn't notice her focused look. or how she was poised like a cat----ready to pounce at any opportunity. In fact, you would only be able to notice these details if you knew what you were looking for, and Maximilien did not.
So it was a surprise to him when the figure suddenly removed her cloak. For a moment his eyes snapped towards her, but before he could comprehend what he was seeing, the hooded Omnic had vanished.
All of a sudden, the alarms blared overhead.
Guests shot up from their seats, and wine glasses were knocked over and spilled. Cries of "what's going on?" and "has something happened?" burst out, and Maximilien clenched his fist. He could not allow bedlam to erupt in his casino, and especially not when an important correspondent was about to arrive. It was jeopardise the mission he was on.
Amelie glanced at him, and he caught Ogundimu's glower from across the room. It seemed to say, What have you done? Oil dripping down his forehead, Maximilien made his way towards the security office. Someone was getting laid off tonight.
Suddenly, something small and glinting was lobbed into the air and landed in front of Maximilien. He looked at it in confusion, then turned to see who threw it, but the mass of bodies was too thick to see anything. It was a coin, a coin no smaller than a poker chip and emblazoned with a strange symbol----one of a grey S shape with a purple stripe slashing through it. It was familiar, but he couldn't quite place his finger on what it was. Slowly, he reached down to pick it up.
As soon as he touched the coin, it exploded. Maximilien was thrown backwards into the wall, and purple gas quickly billowed around him. The coin was spewing some sort of... smoke, silvery-lilac in colour, and it spread quickly throughout the room like a malevolent spirit. Guests screamed and ran for the doors, but they were locked.
With horror, Maximilien looked around as guests fell unconscious, one by one, engulfed by the smoke. He saw Ogundimu covering his mouth to try and block out the smoke, but his eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped backwards, knocking two others down with his large frame. He saw Amelie tumble to the floor, trying to crawl away; her eyelids fluttered shut and she collapsed.
Holding his breath, Maximilien made a run for the nearest window. He hoisted himself up onto the sill and, after a moment of hesitation, took the leap----pain through through his wires as his body crashed on the floor of the alleyway below. A precoded message blared at the bottom of his vision: 'WARNING. YOU HAVE BEEN DAMAGED. SEEK A DOCTOR', but Maximilien dismissed the message and stood up. Glancing upwards, he could already see wisps of purple smoke trail out of the open window, and so he ran.
As he fled, he thought he could hear footsteps following him; he looked back, and what he saw terrified him. The figure that he had espied moments before was giving chase, and gaining on him by the second. Their hood had fallen off, and Maximilien could see that they were an Omnic as well. They were vaguely female, with a determined glare; but none of this mattered to Maximilien. He just kept running, and his speed increased threefold.
The figure behind him swore and stopped running. For a moment Maximilien thought she'd given up, but as he turned around to look he saw that she was palming something in her hand. She winded up like a baseball pitcher, and hurled it at him.
Reacting faster than Maximilien had ever thought possible of himself, he ducked and shielded his head. He heard the whoosh of air as the object flew past him and hit the side of a building. With a sense of triumph, he continued to run----and stopped abruptly as the figure somehow teleported in front of him.
He skidded to a halt, and backed up slowly, but the figure had him now. She stalked forward, cloak whipping about her, and Maximilien noticed that the brooch that fastened it also bore that strange symbol----the one he'd seen on the coin.
The figure leaped at him, a cat pouncing on its prey, and held a towel to his nose.
As the smell of chloroform wafted up his nasal system, Maximilien's vision turned to static. His body's code failed, his software crashing, and all of a sudden he realised what that symbol was. That S with a stripe through it, the one he'd seen both on her brooch and on the coin, was the symbol of Null Sector.
The last thought that rushed through his mechanical mind as he fell unconscious was: They've returned.

2.2 Info

Real Name: SST Laboratories Siege Automaton L19, “Scouter"
Age: 25
Occupation: Activist, secret agent
Base of Operations: Monaco, France
Affiliations: Null Sector

"Here to collect your debts. All of them."

Blackjack is a living weapon built and employed by Null Sector, an omnic terrorist organisation that will stop at nothing to force humans underground. A master of disguise, espionage, and hacking, she runs loose about France, leaving behind no trail.
Although the relationship between humans and omnics had certainly improved from how it was during the Crisis, one particular group of omnics still bore resentment against their creators. Gaining the name ‘Null Sector’, their activist protests soon turned to full-out terrorist attacks, and governments around the world feared the start of a second Omnic Crisis.
The people soon retaliated. As Null Sector and police forces traded blow for blow, with Europe as the battlefield, destruction spread; some places, such as Scotland, were nearly entirely destroyed. The final straw was when an Overwatch strike team, against the governments' will, launched an attack on Null Sector's headquarters in King's Row, defeating their leaders and reclaiming London. With nowhere to hide and nobody to lead them, most members of Null Sector were arrested and jailed.
Null Sector was seemingly over; that is, until a few years ago, when a mysterious cloaked Omnic began wreaking havoc in France. In the aftermath, certain powerful individuals (both human and Omnic) were reported missing; one can only assume that they were kidnapped.
It seems that after all this time spent dormant, Null Sector has returned with a vengeance and an ace up their sleeve; a powerful new operative known only by her callsign, Blackjack.

-- 3. EXTRA --

3.1 Appearance

Blackjack is a sleek, humanoid Omnic, similar to an Assassin (Retribution). She wears formal attire and a blood-red cape fastened by a button with the Null Sector symbol on it. Her color palette is red, white, and black.
She has compartments on both palms where she stores her ammunition; when she reloads, she claps both hands together, then pulls them apart to reveal a brand-new set of cards. When she switches ammo, she pulls some cards into the compartment. Her cards are hard-light, but otherwise look normal.
When she uses her [Primary Fire] Card Dealer, she hurls a card like a throwing star. When she uses [Secondary Fire] Card Dealer, she takes several cards in her right hand and flings them in a volley. When she uses [Ability 1] Joker Cards, the card at the top of her deck flashes and turns into a Joker. When she uses [Ability 2] Place Bet, she points with her left index finger at an enemy. When she uses her [Ultimate] Coin Flip, she pulls out a coin and flicks it with her left hand.

3.2 Personality

Blackjack is somewhat serious----between Moira and Soldier: 76 on the personality scale. She'd rather talk business than anything else, because it's what she was programmed to do by Null Sector. She holds a grudge against anyone who dislikes or doesn't tolerate Omnics, but also takes it to an extreme.
She was built from an old, defunct model by Null Sector to become who she is today. As a result, she has unending loyalty to the organisation to which she belongs, and will never sway (even if given good reason to, whatever it may be).
Lore-wise, Blackjack specialises in assassination and kidnappings. She goes on clandestine missions for Null Sector; eliminating anti-Omnic rights speakers, abducting generals to gain access to their weaponry, retrieving broken Omnics to fix and recruit to their cause.

3.3 Abilities

Joker Card:
Place Bet:
Coin Flip:

3.4 Eliminations

Final Blow:
Solo Kill:
Turret Elimination:
Teleporter Elimination:
Melee Final Blow:
Witness Elimination:
Team Kill:

3.5 Chatter

Hero Selected:
"Here to collect your debts. All of them."
During Set-Up:
Pick Up Health Pack:
On Fire:
Voted Epic:
Voted Legendary:

3.6 Call-Outs

Hero Change:
Sniper Sighted:
Enemy Sighted:
Ally Damaged:
Enemy Ultimate:
Time's Running Out (defense)
Time's Running Out (offense)

3.6 Interactions

Ana: What you do isn't protecting people, it's downright evil.
Blackjack: Says the former sniper who got what she deserved.
Blackjack: Another vigilante, I see.
Soldier: 76: I guess we'll both stand up for what we believe in.
D.Va: Pay to win? Gambling? No, I don't like those kinds of games.
Blackjack: And mindless shooters are so much better?
Doomfist: I see lots of potential in you, Blackjack. You strive for chaos, like we do.
Blackjack: Don't. Even. Think about it.
Zenyatta: Sister, humans and Omnics were once unequal, but times have changed that.
Blackjack: Pah! How could you, one of our kind, side with them?
Blackjack: Orisa, haven't you faced any discrimination at all?
Orisa: Once, in my hometown of Numbani. It hurt very much. But I will never join your cause because of it.
Sombra: You think you're doing good, fighting evil, don't you? If only you knew what I knew...
Blackjack: [chuckles] If only you knew what I know, about the Iris that discovered you.
Blackjack: I know you... you were on the strike team that destroyed Null Sector's headquarters!
Tracer: Don't regret it one bit either. If only you understood, Blackjack...
Blackjack: You, Zaryanova, are the personification of hatred against Omnics.
Zarya: I killed hundreds of your kind during the Crisis. Think about that before coming to me.

3.7 Achievements

Winning Streak: Get three assists with Place Bet within ten seconds.
Top-Decked: Deal 1000 healing and 1000 damage in a single lifetime.
submitted by TheKamikazePickle to OverwatchHeroConcepts [link] [comments]

Creating a movie subreddit to discuss, critique, remember, quote, and otherwise enjoy classic/cult movies of the last 25 years or so. Does one exist and if not, what’s the best way to create this subreddit?

I’d like to create a subreddit/community of people who would like to discuss 3 or more classic/cult movies of the past 25 years or so.
Working for 20 years or so in kitchens and restaurants I’ve noticed there’s a good deal of people who absolutely love quoting cult movies, discussing behind-the-scenes information and otherwise just appreciating the movies of my youth and early adulthood.
My plan would be for moderators to jump on every day or every other day and drop the name of a classic/cult movie. For instance, as a moderator I’d start with a movie title headline:
Tombstone (1993) [Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, Michael Biehn]
The film is based on events in Tombstone, Arizona, including the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral and the Earp Vendetta Ride, during the 1880s. It depicts a number of Western outlaws and lawmen, such as Wyatt Earp, William Brocius, Johnny Ringo, and Doc Holliday.
Tombstone was released by Hollywood Pictures in theatrical wide release in the United States on December 25, 1993, grossing $56.5 million in domestic ticket sales. The film was a financial success, and for the Western genre, it ranks number 16 in the list of highest-grossing films since 1979.[6] Critical reception was generally positive.
This could then spawn a great conversation ranging from great quotes from the movie,
“Maybe Poker’s just not your game, Ike. I know – let’s have a spelling contest!” - Doc Holliday
Anyone subscribed to this subreddit could then riff off one another with quotes before or after this. This movie has amazing dialogue between the characters and it seems like people love quoting great movies with great dialogue.
Others could chime in with some trivia,
In an interview with True West Magazine in October 2006, Kurt Russell admits that after original Director Kevin Jarre was fired, he directed a majority of the picture. According to Russell, George P. Cosmatos served merely to make things run smoothly. Also, in the True West interview, Kurt Russell states that the film was nearly cast with Richard Gere as Wyatt Earp, and Willem Dafoe as Doc Holliday.
And still others could reminisce about what the movie meant to them when it was a movie in regular rotation for someone personally,
For me, when I was about 14 or 15 (1994-1995) is when I started watching this movie over and over. It was that age where my friends and I first discovered alcohol and weed, and we’d just drink horribly cheap beer (Natural Lite, Old English Malt Liquor and horrible “bammer” brick weed full of seeds. We would sit in our respective parents basements or wherever and make up drinking games to play along to this movie. Drink whenever someone pulls a gun. Smoke whenever Doc Holliday is on screen.
To my knowledge there aren’t any subreddits like this. Most of the movies being discussed on movies are current movies. I’d like to create a subreddit community entirely based on discussing the cult classics of the 80’s until recently. Here’s a sample list of some movies I had in mind:
Fargo Boogie Nights Goodfellas Pulp Fiction The Martian Lord Of The Rings The Borne Identify The Godfather Scarface Traffic Trumbo The Wolf Of Wall Street Rogue One The English Patient LA Confidential Heat Clerks Boondock Saints The Lost Boys The Imitation Game Dunkirk Sin City Seven Weird Science Hard To Kill Wonderland Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Under Siege The Empire Strikes Back Alien: Covenant Django Unchained Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The Good Shepherd So I Married An Axe Murderer The Constant Gardener Kill Bill Mystic River The Hurt Locker Jackie Brown No Country For Old Men There Will Be Blood The Royal Tenenbaums Revolutionary Road Gran Torino Point Break Die Hard Summer School Zodiac The Outlaw Josey Wales Spies Like Us The Exorcist Inglorious Basterds Titanic Event Horizon Spotlight Conspiracy Schindlers List Waiting Step Brothers Vanilla Sky Coming To America The Silence Of The Lambs Full Metal Jacket Zodiac Step Brothers Dumb & Dumber The Reader National Lampoons Vacation Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Blood Diamond Jennifer’s Body Shaun Of The Dead Heartbreak Ridge Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Fight Club Apocalypse Now Prometheus The Death Of Stalin They Live The Running Man Trading Places Night Off The Living Dead Ocean’s 11 Contact Avatar Alexander Charlie Wilson’s War Thirteen Days Predator JFK Animal House Inside Man Jarhead Very Bad Things Argo Band of Brothers W. Stripes Meet Joe Black Smokin Aces Wonderland Hard To Kill Reservoir Dogs The Right Stuff Raiders of the Lost Ark The Departed The Prestige American Beauty The Matrix The Empire Strikes Back Waterworld Aliens Reign of Fire The Fugitive Enemy At The Gates American Psycho Die Hard Casino Dawn Of The Dead The Deer Hunter Return Of The Jedi Bad Santa Birdman The Deer Hunter Crash New Jersey Drive Grand Budapest Hotel Rushmore A Hard Day’s Night All The President’s Men Filth Sniper Trainspotting From Hell In Time Alpha Dog The Salton Sea Holy Rollers Boiler Room Spun The Terminator Basketball Diaries Master & Commander Legends of the Fall Leaving Las Vegas From Hell The Ninth Gate Lords of Dogtown Hustle & Flow Nowhere Boy The Football Factory The Rules of Attraction Baseketball Death to Smoochie Smokin Aces This is England RocknRolla Lord of War Hi Fidelity Idiocracy Basic Instinct Red Dragon American History X Burn After Reading The Aviator War Games Contact Bladerunner Pitch Black Superbad Dinner for Schmucks The Hangover Limitless Dumb & Dumber Grandma’s Boy The Other Guys Get Him to the Greek Blow The Wizard Of Lies The Last Boyscout Cabin Boy Analyze This
I could obviously go on and on and on but you get the idea. Also, the awesome part is that once each thread has been started it stays up for all time for people to add to whatever tangents appear over time. I would imagine with a core group of just a hundred or so redditors this could become an active and fun subreddit to contribute to.
Anyway, I’ve never started a subreddit so I have no idea how to go about creating one, how to moderate one, how to get the subreddit out into the World to attract people to contribute or anything really outside of posting shit talk from my phone on Reddit. I imagine it’s probably best that I get this started from my laptop and not my tablet or phone.
Any advice, tips, ideas, or anyone wishing to contribute, moderate or be involved in anyway please let me know. I appreciate any and all feedback and I hope to get this going sometime soon. I know I’m not the only 38 year old who has spent a significant part of his life watching and rewatching movies over and over. Now I just need to find the other movie buffs spread across Reddit and hopefully get this subreddit going.
I was toying with the name cultandclassicmovies but would love and appreciate any feedback. Thanks Reddit Community!
submitted by bdlcalichef to movies [link] [comments]

I experienced a bizarre event while at a casino and it has taken me several weeks to get myself to write/ask/tell anyone about it. Reddit, can you please help me make sense of this? (x-post askreddit)

Originally posted to askreddit Was told it might be of interest here. Sorry in advance for the long read but I think it's necessary to have some background knowledge of my thought process prior to what I experienced)
I am a 24/m with no history of mental or physical illness that could possibly explain this. What I am about to share with you does not come easily for me in the least. Mostly because I already know trying to explain my experience is going to make me sound fucking crazy. But I'd much rather sound crazy anonymously to the internet than sound crazy to my close friends. I'm kind of worried about how they might react.
I'll get right to it and try to fill in any necessary details around it. Sorry if it's hard to follow. Bear with me, please.
We had been at the casino for three days now. Earlier that month we had stayed close to two weeks. Not sure why, but we got comped every night so what was initially supposed to be a two day trip ended up being much longer. I personally don't gamble that much, a couple hundred here and there. But by no means enough to warrant comping me three consecutive nights at this resort. Oh well, I'm not complaining.
During that first trip a friend of mine who does gamble a lot met a random guy "Greg" in the high-roller gaming area. I guess he was cool because my friends came to get me from the poker room to go meet this guy. He must've made quite an impression. Before I could cash out another random guy at the table, "Chris", overhears this conversation and cashes out before me and follows us to meet Greg. He wasn't exactly invited, but we've been at this casino for so long at this point and hung out with so many random people that we didn't think much of it. Sidenote: Greg pays for EVERYTHING that night. Taxi/alcohol/strippers
After we return home, both Greg and Chris text my friends and I repeatedly throughout the week asking/inquiring as to when we are coming back. They promise fun, strippers, and possible room accommodations. Chris even gives me the phone number to reserve a room and tells me how to go through the automated system to make it easier for me. All pretty friendly stuff.
And then I get this feeling... I'm usually not a paranoid person at all, but I got a weird feeling about these two guys. They are around 15-20 years older than us, they really want us to come back to the casino, and they seem to ALWAYS be there (Greg has been there close to a month at this point). I feed into this paranoia and come to the conclusion that one, if not both, of these guys is working undercover for the casino. I accept this far-fetched idea and think its ingenious that the casino has implemented undercover employees to mingle with their guests and subtly get us to play more games, and advertise various shops and restaurants to us without our immediate knowledge. I think it's quite clever and am convinced that if these aren't undercover employees then well, they should hire some because that is a fuckin great idea.
Now..comes the part where I lose you guys if I haven't already. I can't believe I'm even trying to explain this. On our return trip we managed to get ourselves a comped suite. Score! The first night we ran around slot-hopping, where something strange happened too, but I'll get into that later. The next day we bumped into Greg. Like I said.. this guy.. is always there. He then proceeds to arrange a hooker to come meet another friend of ours. Now I'm thinking... holy shit.. is this guy a pimp? or do I still think he's an undercover casino employee? or... both?! Doesn't matter.. Now we're at the blackjack table with Greg, two of my friends, and myself, while our other friend is getting busy with said hooker in the room.
And this is where the bizarre shit happens. We're all sitting there and all of a sudden I get really, really, cold. I start shivering uncontrollably, yet intermittently. I can't concentrate on conversations and for some reason can only hear select words. My mind is racing and then I am overcome with paranoia. I don't quite know what the hell is going on at this point, physically. It's here I start honing in on select cue words from Greg. He keeps saying "ride it out".. "ride it out".. "Almost there".. All while talking about blackjack but everything he says pertains to what I am thinking and freaking out about in my head. At times he directly comments on thoughts I am having in my head and even does hand gestures to illustrate my thoughts. Yeah.. I'm freaking out... but.. I know I'm sober. No alcohol or drugs prior to this event.. This doesn't make sense.
I am now becoming hypersensitive to everything around me. Conversations, strangers, pit bosses. The music playing over the speakers, though I know to be very mild, is now overbearing and a strange, very prominent, buzzing/pulsating sound is in my ears. The more I focus in on this sound and the more I allow it to "break" me down, the louder a voice becomes that says, "He's getting close." Whenever I hear that voice I pull away my focus from the pulsating sound and try my very best to look normal in front of everyone while I am secretly very fucking confused. So I try to relax.. the whole time I'm focusing on my breathing and trying to calm myself down.
Now this is going on in waves.. the pulsating... the buzzing.. the comments.. the shivering..the voice that says "he's getting close" everytime I feed into what I try to tell myself are hallucinations.. but.. why am I hallucinating while just sitting here in a casino?
Then what feels like a bug hits me in the back. It's the same feeling you'd expect if a fairly large beetle flew and landed on your back. I reach my hand over my shoulder and grab at the spot and immediately feel it. It's moving... but it's under my shirt. How the fuck did it get under my shirt? Whatever, I pinch my shirt around it and work it up to my collar to pop it out. I grab it with my fingers and it's squirming around in my fingertips and I freak out and drop it. I now grab the bottom of my shirt and do that flapping thing people do to get something out of their shirt. While I'm doing this I hear Greg say, "There you go, now you can get in there." I freeze, look at him... and instantly feel something crawling around my neck. I slap my hand to the back of neck, only to feel SOMETHING crawl INTO the back of my neck. Ummm...yeah.. if I was freaking out before... then well you could say this made me lose my shit.
Even during this unexplainable thing I was going through I still managed to have some sense of humor. I remember thinking to myself, "Holy shit.. did ... did I just get matrixed?" I think that little humorous thought was some sort of defense mechanism, cuz I'm pretty sure my brain was freaking out. I had thoughts of this being some sort of technology we aren't aware of yet. Technology to fuck with one person's senses while everyone else is normal. And technology to hack my brain. These were my thoughts man... I know.. it sounds crazy..
At some point immediately after this I saw a black blur quickly move from down the pathway by the slots, around the blackjack table and then directly behind me. VERY quickly. I looked over my right shoulder, nothing. Looked over my left, nothing. But I couldn't shake that feeling that someone was behind me. It's here that I heard Greg say something along the lines of, "Go explore, it's your world now." in a voice that was like he was disappointed. Maybe he was expecting a different result? Or maybe I wasn't supposed to be this aware of what was happening to me? Either way I felt something enter the back of my neck and just like that I felt like I was in a trance or some sort of hypnotic state. Although I've never been in one before, I imagine this is what it's like.
I don't really know much of what happened after the "Go explore" comment. But I remember having this overwhelming feeling that Greg was a part of this.. and even the casino itself was part of what was happening to me. The hooker eventually came back down and found us at the table. My friends got up and I followed them back to the room.
I was now terrified of being alone anywhere in this casino. My thoughts were noticeably more clear now that we left that table. It was only when I walked away that I noticed how clouded my thoughts and senses actually were. Very noticeably different.
Okay.. so now here I am. The days and weeks following this event have been filled with paranoia, losing sleep, and constantly rubbing that spot on the back of my neck trying to convince myself that it didn’t really happen. I notice movement specifically in shadows, daily. I also see something in my field of vision that I can guess is about the size of a fruitfly that appears, flys a small "S" curve, and disappears. Again, almost daily. It always happens very quickly and before I am able to focus in on it.
So, reddit. Tell me something. Tell me I'm crazy. Tell my to lay off the weed. I don't know. But what happened to me was not a drug induced hallucination. If so, then this drug has the ability to mess with temperatures, vision, hearing, and touch all while not giving off the impression of being a hallucination at any point. It’s all seamless and VERY real. These weren't warm colors, and geometric shapes melting and warping into loving hugs. This was a, "I'm taking over your body and you can't do anything about it" kind of experience.
I did some research on schizophrenia, you know... because the only way I can come to peace about this in a sane and rational way is to come to the conclusion that I may have just experienced my very first psychotic episode? That sounds almost laughably ironic.. but seriously.. I can't fucking explain this at all. Are there any people out there familiar with this that could provide me some insight? I’m serious… I haven’t spoken to my friends about this, I stay in almost everyday (though I may blame reddit for that), my whole demeanor, and personality, and possibly my perception of reality have changed because of this…
submitted by dudewheresmyreality to Thetruthishere [link] [comments]

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